Holidays and Events

Use to specify the holidays and events.

Events indicate times of expected deviations from the usual growth and seasonality pattern. These may be repeated (e.g. holidays), or one-time (Olympic for a city).

Repeated events are allowed to fall on a different day each year (e.g. Lunar New Year, Thanksgiving). The model assumes the event has similar effect each time it occurs.


Silverkite provides a standard set of holidays by country (imported from pypi:holidays-ext).

Each holiday is mapped to a list of calendar dates where it occurs. For modeling, you can choose to extend the holiday window to include days before and after the holiday. A separate effect is modeled for each offset from the actual holiday.

For example, you can choose to model offsets (-2, -1, 0, 1) to capture effects two days before, and one day after the holiday, by setting holiday_pre_num_days=-2 and holiday_post_num_days=1 below.

If you are not sure which holidays to use, start with our defaults and create a forecast. Plot forecasts against actuals, and look for large errors. If these happen on holidays, include relevant countries in holiday_lookup_countries list.

Silverkite Holidays

Options (defaults shown for SILVERKITE template):

events : `dict` [`str`, `any`] or None
    Holiday/events configuration dictionary with the following optional keys:

    holiday_lookup_countries : `list` [`str`] or "auto" or None or a list of such values for grid search, optional, default "auto"
        The countries that contain the holidays you intend to model

        * If "auto", uses a default list of countries
          that contain the default ``holidays_to_model_separately``.
          See `~greykite.algo.forecast.silverkite.constants.silverkite_holiday.SilverkiteHoliday.HOLIDAY_LOOKUP_COUNTRIES_AUTO`.
        * If a list, must be a list of country names.
        * If None or an empty list, no holidays are modeled.

    holidays_to_model_separately : `list` [`str`] or "auto" or `~greykite.algo.forecast.silverkite.constants.silverkite_holiday.SilverkiteHoliday.ALL_HOLIDAYS_IN_COUNTRIES` or None or a list of such values for grid search, optional, default "auto"
        Which holidays to include in the model.
        The model creates a separate key, value for each item in ``holidays_to_model_separately``.
        The other holidays in the countries are grouped together as a single effect.

        * If "auto", uses a default list of important holidays. See
        * If `~greykite.algo.forecast.silverkite.constants.silverkite_holiday.SilverkiteHoliday.ALL_HOLIDAYS_IN_COUNTRIES`,
          uses all available holidays in ``holiday_lookup_countries``. This can often
          create a model that has too many parameters, and should typically be avoided.
        * If a list, must be a list of holiday names.
        * If None or an empty list, all holidays in ``holiday_lookup_countries`` are grouped together
          as a single effect.

        Use ``holiday_lookup_countries`` to provide a list of countries where these holiday occur.
    holiday_pre_num_days: `int` or a list of such values for grid search, default 2
        model holiday effects for pre_num days before the holiday.
        The unit is days, not periods. It does not depend on input data frequency.
    holiday_post_num_days: `int` or a list of such values for grid search, default 2
        model holiday effects for post_num days after the holiday.
        The unit is days, not periods. It does not depend on input data frequency.
    holiday_pre_post_num_dict : `dict` [`str`, (`int`, `int`)] or None, default None
        Overrides ``pre_num`` and ``post_num`` for each holiday in
        For example, if ``holidays_to_model_separately`` contains "Thanksgiving" and "Labor Day",
        this parameter can be set to ``{"Thanksgiving": [1, 3], "Labor Day": [1, 2]}``,
        denoting that the "Thanksgiving" ``pre_num`` is 1 and ``post_num`` is 3, and "Labor Day"
        ``pre_num`` is 1 and ``post_num`` is 2.
        Holidays not specified use the default given by ``pre_num`` and ``post_num``.
    daily_event_df_dict : `dict` [`str`, `pandas.DataFrame`] or None, default None
        A dictionary of data frames, each representing events data for the corresponding key.
        Specifies additional events to include besides the holidays specified above. The format
        is the same as in `~greykite.algo.forecast.silverkite.SilverkiteForecast.forecast`.
        The DataFrame has two columns:

            - The first column contains event dates. Must be in a format
              recognized by `pandas.to_datetime`. Must be at daily
              frequency for proper join. It is joined against the time
              in ``df``, converted to a day:
            - the second column contains the event label for each date

        The column order is important; column names are ignored.
        The event dates must span their occurrences in both the training
        and future prediction period.

        During modeling, each key in the dictionary is mapped to a categorical variable
        named ``f"{EVENT_PREFIX}_{key}"``, whose value at each timestamp is specified
        by the corresponding DataFrame.

        For example, to manually specify a yearly event on September 1
        during a training/forecast period that spans 2020-2022::

            daily_event_df_dict = {
                "custom_event": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-09-01", "2021-09-01", "2022-09-01"],
                    "label": ["is_event", "is_event", "is_event"]

        It's possible to specify multiple events in the same df. Two events,
        ``"sep"`` and ``"oct"`` are specified below for 2020-2021::

            daily_event_df_dict = {
                "custom_event": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-09-01", "2020-10-01", "2021-09-01", "2021-10-01"],
                    "event_name": ["sep", "oct", "sep", "oct"]

        Use multiple keys if two events may fall on the same date. These events
        must be in separate DataFrames::

            daily_event_df_dict = {
                "fixed_event": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-09-01", "2021-09-01", "2022-09-01"],
                    "event_name": ["is_event", "is_event", "is_event"]
                "moving_event": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-09-01", "2021-08-28", "2022-09-03"],
                    "event_name": ["is_event", "is_event", "is_event"]

        The multiple event specification can be used even if events never overlap. An
        equivalent specification of the second example::

            daily_event_df_dict = {
                "sep": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-09-01", "2021-09-01"],
                    "event_name": "is_event"
                "oct": pd.DataFrame({
                    "date": ["2020-10-01", "2021-10-01"],
                    "event_name": "is_event"

        Note: All these events are automatically added to the model. There is no need
        to specify them in ``extra_pred_cols`` as you would for

        Note: Do not use `~greykite.common.constants.EVENT_DEFAULT`
        in the second column. This is reserved to indicate dates that do not
        correspond to an event.


# silverkite defaults
events = dict(

# Two letter country code is also accepted.
# Sets holiday_pre_num_days=holiday_post_num_days=0 to only capture effects on the holiday itself.
# Uses holiday_pre_post_num_dict to customize pre_num and post_num for New Year's Day
events = dict(
    holidays_to_model_separately = [
        "New Year's Day",
    holiday_lookup_countries = [  # containing countries to lookup holiday dates
    holiday_pre_post_num_dict={"New Year's Day": (3, 1)}

# See the docstring above for examples of ``daily_event_df_dict``.
# You can use it to add your own events or specify a
# fully custom holiday configuration.

# Grid search is possible
events = dict(
    holidays_to_model_separately = [
        ["New Year's Day", "Thanksgiving"],
    holiday_lookup_countries = ["auto"],

If you are not sure which holidays to use, start with our defaults and create a forecast. Plot forecasts against actuals, and look for large errors. If these happen on holidays, include them in the model.

To customize this, you will want to see the available holidays.

  • How to check the available holiday_lookup_countries:

from greykite.common.features.timeseries_features import get_available_holiday_lookup_countries

# See all available countries

# Filter the full list to your countries of interest
get_available_holiday_lookup_countries(["US", "IN", "EuropeanCentralBank"])

# Full list for `holidays-ext` 0.0.7, `holidays` 0.13
>>> get_available_holiday_lookup_countries()
['ABW', 'AE', 'AGO', 'AO', 'AR', 'ARE', 'ARG', 'AT', 'AU', 'AUS',
 'AUT', 'AW', 'AZ', 'AZE', 'Angola', 'Argentina', 'Aruba', 'Australia',
 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'BD', 'BDI', 'BE', 'BEL', 'BG', 'BGD', 'BI',
 'BLG', 'BLR', 'BR', 'BRA', 'BW', 'BWA', 'BY', 'Bangladesh', 'Belarus',
 'Belgium', 'Botswana', 'Brazil', 'Bulgaria', 'Burundi', 'CA', 'CAN',
 'CH', 'CHE', 'CHL', 'CHN', 'CL', 'CN', 'CO', 'COL', 'CUW', 'CW', 'CZ',
 'CZE', 'Canada', 'Chile', 'China', 'Colombia', 'Croatia', 'Curacao',
 'Czechia', 'DE', 'DEU', 'DJ', 'DJI', 'DK', 'DNK', 'DO', 'DOM',
 'Denmark', 'Djibouti', 'DominicanRepublic', 'ECB', 'EE', 'EG', 'EGY',
 'ES', 'ESP', 'EST', 'ET', 'ETH', 'Egypt', 'England', 'Estonia',
 'Ethiopia', 'EuropeanCentralBank', 'FI', 'FIN', 'FR', 'FRA', 'Finland',
 'France', 'GB', 'GBR', 'GE', 'GEO', 'GR', 'GRC', 'Georgia', 'Germany',
 'Greece', 'HK', 'HKG', 'HN', 'HND', 'HR', 'HRV', 'HU', 'HUN',
 'HolidaySum', 'Honduras', 'HongKong', 'Hungary', 'ID', 'IE', 'IL',
 'IM', 'IN', 'IND', 'IRL', 'IS', 'ISL', 'ISR', 'IT', 'ITA', 'Iceland',
 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Ireland', 'IsleOfMan', 'Israel', 'Italy', 'JAM',
 'JM', 'JP', 'JPN', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'KAZ', 'KE', 'KEN', 'KOR', 'KR',
 'KZ', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kenya', 'Korea', 'LS', 'LSO', 'LT', 'LTU', 'LU',
 'LUX', 'LV', 'LVA', 'Latvia', 'Lesotho', 'Lithuania', 'Luxembourg',
 'MA', 'MEX', 'MK', 'MKD', 'MOR', 'MOZ', 'MW', 'MWI', 'MX', 'MY', 'MYS',
 'MZ', 'Malawi', 'Malaysia', 'Mexico', 'Morocco', 'Mozambique', 'NA',
 'NAM', 'NG', 'NGA', 'NI', 'NIC', 'NL', 'NLD', 'NO', 'NOR', 'NZ', 'NZL',
 'Namibia', 'Netherlands', 'NewZealand', 'Nicaragua', 'Nigeria',
 'NorthMacedonia', 'NorthernIreland', 'Norway', 'PE', 'PER', 'PH', 'PK',
 'PL', 'POL', 'PRT', 'PRTE', 'PRY', 'PT', 'PTE', 'PY', 'Pakistan',
 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Philippines', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'PortugalExt',
 'RO', 'ROU', 'RS', 'RU', 'RUS', 'Romania', 'Russia', 'SA', 'SAU', 'SE',
 'SG', 'SGP', 'SI', 'SK', 'SRB', 'SVK', 'SVN', 'SWE', 'SZ', 'SZW',
 'SaudiArabia', 'Scotland', 'Serbia', 'Singapore', 'Slovakia',
 'Slovenia', 'SouthAfrica', 'Spain', 'Swaziland', 'Sweden',
 'Switzerland', 'TAR', 'TH', 'TN', 'TR', 'TUN', 'TUR', 'TW', 'TWN',
 'Taiwan', 'Thailand', 'Tunisia', 'Turkey', 'UA', 'UK', 'UKR', 'URY',
 'US', 'USA', 'UY', 'UZ', 'UZB', 'Ukraine', 'UnitedArabEmirates',
 'UnitedKingdom', 'UnitedStates', 'Uruguay', 'Uzbekistan', 'VE', 'VEN',
 'VN', 'VNM', 'Venezuela', 'Vietnam', 'Wales', 'ZA', 'ZAF', 'ZM', 'ZMB',
 'ZW', 'ZWE', 'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe']
  • To check the available holidays_to_model_separately in those countries, run get_available_holidays_across_countries:

from greykite.common.features.timeseries_features import get_available_holidays_across_countries

# Select your countries
holiday_lookup_countries = ["US", "IN", "EuropeanCentralBank"]
# List the holidays


While holidays are specified at a daily level, you can use interactions with seasonality to capture sub-daily holiday effects. For more information, see Custom Parameters.

Holiday Indicators and Neighboring Effect

  1. When holidays are present in the model, we allow for using holiday indicators:

  • “is_event”: an indicator column which is 1 when the timestamp is either the exact holiday dates or its adjacent days.

  • “is_event_exact”: an indicator of whether the timestamp is exactly on the holiday date.

  • “is_event_adjacent”: an indicator of whether the timestamp is adjacent to a holiday if holiday_pre_num_days or holiday_post_num_days is not 0.

You may include the interactions between such indicators and other features in extra_pred_cols like extra_pred_col = ["is_event:y_lag1"]. See more at Custom Parameters.

Or you may use it as a conditional column in the uncertainty model conditional_cols = ["dow", "is_event"].

2. Sometimes you may have a weekly time series or the response is daily rolling sum. In such cases, the whole week, or the whole rolling window is impacted by a holiday within it. We allow for modeling such holiday neighboring effect by specifying daily_event_neighbor_impact in events. For example, you may use daily_event_neighbor_impact = 6 to model rolling 7-day sum holiday effect in a daily time series. Or you may use daily_event_neighbor_impact = lambda x: [x - timedelta(days=x.isocalendar()[2] - 1) + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(7)] to model a holiday effect in weekly time series.

Note that this feature works as adding extra dates with the same event name to the holiday model, therefore the number of events does not increase.

3. There are also cases where you need additional events that are shifted based on existing events. For example, if we model the week-over-week changes as response, the week after a holiday has a counter effect. We support an easy way of adding such events using daily_event_shifted_effect parameter in events. For example, if we have an event called “Christmas Day”, daily_event_shifted_effect=["7D"] will add a new event called “Christmas Day_7D_after” which is 7 days after the Christmas Day.

Auto Holiday and Holiday Grouper

Silverkite models support automatically grouped holiday features. It utilizes the HolidayGrouper method to group holidays based on their estimated impact inferred from the training data. This method avoids creating too many parameters for each holiday while making sure that holidays that are different enough will be modeled separately. For more details, see Holiday Inferer and Holiday Grouper in Auto Configuration Tools.

It’s easy to use auto holiday in model components. In the events dictionary, specify auto_holiday=True, and the model will automatically pull holidays from holiday_lookup_countries. Additional events can be passed in through daily_event_df_dict, which get combined with holidays from holiday_lookup_countries and used as sources of holidays for grouping. Their neighboring days will be pulled based on holiday_pre_num_days, holiday_post_num_days and holiday_pre_post_num_dict if provided. Each holiday and their neighboring days (e.g. Christmas, Christmas +1 Day, Christmas +2 Days) will have their holiday impact estimated. The holiday grouper checks their individual effects from the training data and generates holiday groups. Each holiday and its neighboring day in holidays_to_model_separately will be modeled separately regardless of whether auto_holiday is on. Generally, it is recommended to leave holidays_to_model_separately as None here unless there is prior knowledge that some holidays or events have different behaviors as other ones. The auto_holiday_params can take in additional parameters used by holiday grouper.

events = dict(
    auto_holiday=True,  # Turns on auto holiday config.
    holidays_to_model_separately=None,  # No holiday is modeled separately.
    holiday_lookup_countries="auto",  # A default list of countries to search.
    holiday_pre_num_days=2,  # Considers 2 days before each holiday.
    holiday_post_num_days=2,  # Considers 2 days after each holiday.
    holiday_pre_post_num_dict=None,  # Specifies if any holiday needs a different count of neighboring days.
    daily_event_df_dict=None,  # Additional events added to holidays from `holiday_lookup_countries`.
    auto_holiday_params=None  # Additional parameters for holiday groupers.

In the example here, by default there will be 5 feature groups generated based on holiday grouping results: "events_holiday_group_0", "events_holiday_group_1", "events_holiday_group_2", "events_holiday_group_3", "events_holiday_group_4".

By contrast, if auto_holiday=False, there will also be 5 feature groups generated: "events_Other", "events_Other-1", "events_Other-2", "events_Other+1", "events_Other+2". All holidays will be modeled as one whole group named "events_Other". Their neighboring days will be modeled in groups based on their relations to the holidays.

To extend from default settings, additional parameters for holiday groupers can be passed in through auto_holiday_params. The following code lists out all parameters that can be specified and tuned with their current defaults. Please refer to Holiday Grouper in Auto Configuration Tools for more information on how it works.

# The `auto_holiday_params` to pass in for events.
auto_holiday_params = dict(
    df=None,  # Time series to infer holiday impact.
    time_col=None,  # Time column in `df`.
    value_col=None,  # Value column in `df`.
    holiday_df=None,  # User specified holidays, will replace holidays from `holiday_lookup_countries` and `daily_event_df_dict`.
    holiday_date_col=None,  # Holiday date column in `holiday_df`.
    holiday_name_col=None,  # Holiday name column in `holiday_df`.
    get_suffix_func="wd_we",  # Extended feature group added as suffix, please see `HolidayGrouper`.
    baseline_offsets=[-7, 7],  # The baseline is the average of -7/+7 observations.
    use_relative_score=True,  # Whether to use relative or absolute score when estimating impact.
    min_n_days=1,  # Minimal number of occurrences of an event to be included in grouping.
    min_abs_avg_score=0.03,  # Minimal average score of an event to be kept in consideration.
    clustering_method="kmeans",  # Clustering methods.
    n_clusters=5,  # Number of clusters in k-means clustering.
    bandwidth=None,  # Only used if "kde" is selected for `clustering_method`.
    bandwidth_multiplier=None,  # Only used if "kde" is selected for `clustering_method` and `bandwidth` is `None`.

Example 1: User-specified Time Series for Learning Holiday Impact

By default, the same time series used for training is used to learn holiday impact and generate holiday groups. The library also allows users to import external time series to train holiday impact. This can be useful when the training data is too short to learn holiday impact. The external time series used for generating holiday groups needs at least one time column and one value column.

For example, if we have a time series external_df in the format below (values are made up):










The input for auto_holiday_params can then be specified as below:

# The `auto_holiday_params` to pass in for events.
auto_holiday_params = dict(

Example 2: Customized Holiday List

By default, holidays pulled from holiday_lookup_countries will be combined with events imported from daily_event_df_dict and serve as the source of holidays for grouping. When users want to use a completely customized list of holidays, they can specify that through holiday_df. In this case, holidays fetched from holiday_lookup_countries and daily_event_df_dict will be ignored. Only holidays included in holiday_df will be used for grouping.

The holiday_df should be a pandas.DataFrame with at least two columns: one column for dates and one for holiday names. The holiday dates should cover both training and forecasting periods. For example, assuming that the input holiday_df looks like below:







New Year

The input for auto_holiday_params can then be specified as:

# The `auto_holiday_params` to pass in for events.
auto_holiday_params = dict(



events : `dict` [`str`, `any`] or None
    Holiday/events configuration dictionary with the following optional keys:

    holiday_lookup_countries: `list` [`str`] or "auto" or None, optional.
        default ("auto") uses a default list of countries with a good coverage of global holidays.
        If None or an empty list, no holidays are modeled.
        Must include all countries, for which you want to model holidays.
        Grid search is not supported.
    holidays_prior_scale: `float` or None or list of such values for grid search, default 10.0
        Modulates the strength of the holiday effect.
    holiday_pre_num_days: `list` [`int`] or None, default 2
        Model holiday effects for holiday_pre_num_days days before the holiday
        Grid search is not supported. Must be a list with one element or None.
    holiday_post_num_days: `list` [`int`] or None, default 2
        Model holiday effects for holiday_post_num_days days after the holiday.
        Grid search is not supported. Must be a list with one element or None.


# Prophet template defaults
events = dict(

# Set holiday_pre_num_days=holiday_post_num_days=0 to only capture effects on the holiday itself
events = dict(
    # Use two letter country code or full country name to look up holiday dates

# Grid search is possible
events = dict(
    holidays_prior_scale=[5.0, 15.0] # grid search over variety of holiday effect strength


We do not currently allow custom events for Prophet. As a workaround, you can specify custom events (one-time or recurring) as a binary regressor whose value is 1 on the event, and 0 otherwise. See Regressors.

One-time events


Handle anomalies by classifying them as outliers. The model will smooth the value before fitting and should consider it in the volatility model. See Pre-processing, Selective Grid Search. The volatility model does not yet do so; if volatility is important to you now, do not mark the point as an outlier.

For data issues, set the value to np.nan. The model will smooth the value before fitting and consider any residual in the volatility model.

For expected one-time events that will not repeat, label the point using a custom event. The model will fit to the original value and consider any residual in the volatility model.