Model store and load

It’s common that people would like to store a trained model to use in the future. Usually the class instances are not easy to dump directly, due to the complexity of the instance structure. However, Greykite has utility functions to store and load trained models as well as other objects in a recursive way. Simply speaking, Greykite tries to dump a class instance directly. If it fails, Greykite will store the class type and every single attribute it has, recursively. When the stored class instance is being loaded, these information are used to reconstruct the class instances.

Storing and loading the Forecaster class

The Forecaster class is the API for all Greykite algorithms. A typical training flow is as below.

forecaster = Forecaster()

After training, all training information will be accessible via forecaster.forecast_result. The Forecaster class has natively built-in dump and load functions, dump_forecast_result and load_forecast_result.

Dump the results

To store the trained model, we can directly use


The destination_dir is a string of the saving location. The object_name is the name of the stored folder. The dump_design_info is specifically for the Silverkite model family. Setting it to False to avoid dumping the design info of the design matrix. The design info is not useful in general (to reproduce results, make predictions), and not dumping it will save a lot of time. Specify overwrite_exist_dir=True to force overwriting when a file to be written already exists.

This dump_forecast_result function will save the entire forecaster.forecast_result object as a folder at the specified directory. Typically a saved model takes 50+ MB, so please make sure you have enough storage space.

Load the results

Assume you have the dumped results in a specified directory named source_dir, you can reconstruct the Forecaster class by

forecaster = Forecaster()

The source_dir is a string of the loading location. The load_design_info is specifically for the Silverkite model family. Setting it to False to avoid loading the design info of the design matrix. The design info is not useful in general (to reproduce results, make predictions), and not dumping it will save a lot of time. However, if the design info was not dumped, this parameter will have no effect.

This load_forecast_result function will reconstruct your trained Forecaster class.

Storing and loading a general object

If you want to store or load a general object, you can try the dump_obj and load_obj functions. These function are the utility function used by the Forecaster class to dump and load the forecast_result objects, however, they can be potentially used for other objects as well.

Assume we have a class instance named model, then we can dump it to dir_name with


Note that if the model has nothing to do with the Silverkite model family, the dump_design_info parameter is ignored.

Similarly, we can load the object from source_dir with

model = load_obj(