Source code for greykite.framework.pipeline.pipeline


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# original author: Albert Chen
"""Computation pipeline for end-to-end forecasting
using any ``BaseForecastEstimator``.
Runs cross validation, backtest, and forecast.

import functools
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from greykite.common.constants import TIME_COL
from greykite.common.constants import VALUE_COL
from greykite.common.evaluation import EvaluationMetricEnum
from greykite.common.logging import LoggingLevelEnum
from greykite.common.logging import log_message
from greykite.common.python_utils import get_integer
from greykite.common.time_properties import min_gap_in_seconds
from greykite.framework.constants import COMPUTATION_N_JOBS
from greykite.framework.constants import CV_REPORT_METRICS_ALL
from greykite.framework.input.univariate_time_series import UnivariateTimeSeries
from greykite.framework.output.univariate_forecast import UnivariateForecast
from greykite.framework.pipeline.utils import get_basic_pipeline
from greykite.framework.pipeline.utils import get_default_time_parameters
from greykite.framework.pipeline.utils import get_forecast
from greykite.framework.pipeline.utils import get_hyperparameter_searcher
from greykite.sklearn.cross_validation import RollingTimeSeriesSplit
from greykite.sklearn.estimator.simple_silverkite_estimator import SimpleSilverkiteEstimator

[docs]@dataclass class ForecastResult: """Forecast results. Contains results from cross-validation, backtest, and forecast, the trained model, and the original input data. """ timeseries: UnivariateTimeSeries = None """Input time series in standard format with stats and convenient plot functions.""" grid_search: RandomizedSearchCV = None """Result of cross-validation grid search on training dataset. The relevant attributes are: * ``cv_results_`` cross-validation scores * ``best_estimator_`` the model used for backtesting * ``best_params_`` the optimal parameters used for backtesting. Also see `~greykite.framework.utils.result_summary.summarize_grid_search_results`. We recommend using this function to extract results, rather than accessing ``cv_results_`` directly. """ model: Pipeline = None """Model fitted on full dataset, using the best parameters selected via cross-validation. Has ``.fit()``, ``.predict()``, and diagnostic functions depending on the model. """ backtest: UnivariateForecast = None """Forecast on backtest period. Backtest period is a holdout test set to check forecast quality against the most recent actual values available. The best model from cross validation is refit on data prior to this period. The timestamps in ``backtest.df`` are sorted in ascending order. Has a ``.plot()`` method and attributes to get forecast vs actuals, evaluation results. """ forecast: UnivariateForecast = None """Forecast on future period. Future dates are after the train end date, following the holdout test set. The best model from cross validation is refit on data prior to this period. The timestamps in ``forecast.df`` are sorted in ascending order. Has a ``.plot()`` method and attributes to get forecast vs actuals, evaluation results. """
def validate_pipeline_input(pipeline_function): """Decorator that validates inputs to forecast_pipeline function and sets defaults""" @functools.wraps(pipeline_function) def pipeline_wrapper( # The arguments to this wrapper must be identical to forecast_pipeline() function. # We don't use **kwargs # because it's easier to check parameters directly. # input df: pd.DataFrame, time_col=TIME_COL, value_col=VALUE_COL, date_format=None, tz=None, freq=None, train_end_date=None, anomaly_info=None, # model pipeline=None, regressor_cols=None, lagged_regressor_cols=None, estimator=SimpleSilverkiteEstimator(), hyperparameter_grid=None, hyperparameter_budget=None, n_jobs=COMPUTATION_N_JOBS, verbose=1, # forecast forecast_horizon=None, coverage=0.95, test_horizon=None, periods_between_train_test=None, agg_periods=None, agg_func=None, # evaluation, score_func_greater_is_better=False, cv_report_metrics=None, null_model_params=None, relative_error_tolerance=None, # CV cv_horizon=None, cv_min_train_periods=None, cv_expanding_window=False, cv_use_most_recent_splits=False, cv_periods_between_splits=None, cv_periods_between_train_test=0, cv_max_splits=3): if coverage is not None and (coverage < 0 or coverage > 1): raise ValueError(f"coverage must be between 0 and 1, found {coverage}") if relative_error_tolerance is not None and relative_error_tolerance < 0: raise ValueError(f"relative_error_tolerance must non-negative, found {relative_error_tolerance}") # default values for forecast horizon, test, and cross-validation parameters period = min_gap_in_seconds(df=df, time_col=time_col) num_observations = df.shape[0] default_time_params = get_default_time_parameters( period=period, num_observations=num_observations, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, test_horizon=test_horizon, periods_between_train_test=periods_between_train_test, cv_horizon=cv_horizon, cv_min_train_periods=cv_min_train_periods, cv_periods_between_train_test=cv_periods_between_train_test) forecast_horizon = default_time_params.get("forecast_horizon") test_horizon = default_time_params.get("test_horizon") periods_between_train_test = default_time_params.get("periods_between_train_test") cv_horizon = default_time_params.get("cv_horizon") cv_min_train_periods = default_time_params.get("cv_min_train_periods") cv_periods_between_train_test = default_time_params.get("cv_periods_between_train_test") # ensures the values are integers in the proper domain if hyperparameter_budget is not None: hyperparameter_budget = get_integer( hyperparameter_budget, "hyperparameter_budget", min_value=1) if (cv_horizon == 0 or cv_max_splits == 0) and test_horizon == 0: warnings.warn("Both CV and backtest are skipped! Make sure this is intended." " It's important to check model performance on historical data." " Set cv_horizon and cv_max_splits to nonzero values to enable CV." " Set test_horizon to nonzero value to enable backtest.") if test_horizon == 0: warnings.warn("No data selected for test (test_horizon=0). " "It is important to check out of sample performance") # checks horizon against data size if num_observations < forecast_horizon * 2: warnings.warn(f"Not enough training data to forecast the full forecast_horizon." " Exercise extra caution with" f" forecasted values after {num_observations // 2} periods.") if test_horizon > num_observations: raise ValueError(f"test_horizon ({test_horizon}) is too large." " Must be less than the number " f"of input data points: {num_observations})") if test_horizon > forecast_horizon: warnings.warn(f"test_horizon should never be larger than forecast_horizon.") if test_horizon > num_observations // 3: warnings.warn(f"test_horizon should be <= than 1/3 of the data set size to allow enough data to train" f" a backtest model. Consider reducing to {num_observations // 3}. If this is smaller" f" than the forecast_horizon, you will need to make a trade-off between setting" f" test_horizon=forecast_horizon and having enough data left over to properly" f" train a realistic backtest model.") log_message(f"forecast_horizon: {forecast_horizon}", LoggingLevelEnum.INFO) log_message(f"test_horizon: {test_horizon}", LoggingLevelEnum.INFO) log_message(f"cv_horizon: {cv_horizon}", LoggingLevelEnum.INFO) return pipeline_function( df, time_col=time_col, value_col=value_col, date_format=date_format, tz=tz, freq=freq, train_end_date=train_end_date, anomaly_info=anomaly_info, pipeline=pipeline, regressor_cols=regressor_cols, lagged_regressor_cols=lagged_regressor_cols, estimator=estimator, hyperparameter_grid=hyperparameter_grid, hyperparameter_budget=hyperparameter_budget, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, coverage=coverage, test_horizon=test_horizon, periods_between_train_test=periods_between_train_test, agg_periods=agg_periods, agg_func=agg_func, score_func=score_func, score_func_greater_is_better=score_func_greater_is_better, cv_report_metrics=cv_report_metrics, null_model_params=null_model_params, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance, cv_horizon=cv_horizon, cv_min_train_periods=cv_min_train_periods, cv_expanding_window=cv_expanding_window, cv_use_most_recent_splits=cv_use_most_recent_splits, cv_periods_between_splits=cv_periods_between_splits, cv_periods_between_train_test=cv_periods_between_train_test, cv_max_splits=cv_max_splits ) return pipeline_wrapper
[docs]@validate_pipeline_input def forecast_pipeline( # input df: pd.DataFrame, time_col=TIME_COL, value_col=VALUE_COL, date_format=None, tz=None, freq=None, train_end_date=None, anomaly_info=None, # model pipeline=None, regressor_cols=None, lagged_regressor_cols=None, estimator=SimpleSilverkiteEstimator(), hyperparameter_grid=None, hyperparameter_budget=None, n_jobs=COMPUTATION_N_JOBS, verbose=1, # forecast forecast_horizon=None, coverage=0.95, test_horizon=None, periods_between_train_test=None, agg_periods=None, agg_func=None, # evaluation, score_func_greater_is_better=False, cv_report_metrics=CV_REPORT_METRICS_ALL, null_model_params=None, relative_error_tolerance=None, # CV cv_horizon=None, cv_min_train_periods=None, cv_expanding_window=False, cv_use_most_recent_splits=False, cv_periods_between_splits=None, cv_periods_between_train_test=None, cv_max_splits=3): """Computation pipeline for end-to-end forecasting. Trains a forecast model end-to-end: 1. checks input data 2. runs cross-validation to select optimal hyperparameters e.g. best model 3. evaluates best model on test set 4. provides forecast of best model (re-trained on all data) into the future Returns forecasts with methods to plot and see diagnostics. Also returns the fitted pipeline and CV results. Provides a high degree of customization over training and evaluation parameters: 1. model 2. cross validation 3. evaluation 4. forecast horizon See test cases for examples. Parameters ---------- df : `pandas.DataFrame` Timeseries data to forecast. Contains columns [`time_col`, `value_col`], and optional regressor columns Regressor columns should include future values for prediction time_col : `str`, default TIME_COL in name of timestamp column in df value_col : `str`, default VALUE_COL in name of value column in df (the values to forecast) date_format : `str` or None, default None strftime format to parse time column, eg ``%m/%d/%Y``. Note that ``%f`` will parse all the way up to nanoseconds. If None (recommended), inferred by `pandas.to_datetime`. tz : `str` or None, default None Passed to `pandas.tz_localize` to localize the timestamp freq : `str` or None, default None Frequency of input data. Used to generate future dates for prediction. Frequency strings can have multiples, e.g. '5H'. See for a list of frequency aliases. If None, inferred by `pandas.infer_freq`. Provide this parameter if ``df`` has missing timepoints. train_end_date : `datetime.datetime`, optional, default None Last date to use for fitting the model. Forecasts are generated after this date. If None, it is set to the last date with a non-null value in ``value_col`` of ``df``. anomaly_info : `dict` or `list` [`dict`] or None, default None Anomaly adjustment info. Anomalies in ``df`` are corrected before any forecasting is done. If None, no adjustments are made. A dictionary containing the parameters to `~greykite.common.features.adjust_anomalous_data.adjust_anomalous_data`. See that function for details. The possible keys are: ``"value_col"`` : `str` The name of the column in ``df`` to adjust. You may adjust the value to forecast as well as any numeric regressors. ``"anomaly_df"`` : `pandas.DataFrame` Adjustments to correct the anomalies. ``"start_time_col"``: `str`, default START_TIME_COL Start date column in ``anomaly_df``. ``"end_time_col"``: `str`, default END_TIME_COL End date column in ``anomaly_df``. ``"adjustment_delta_col"``: `str` or None, default None Impact column in ``anomaly_df``. ``"filter_by_dict"``: `dict` or None, default None Used to filter ``anomaly_df`` to the relevant anomalies for the ``value_col`` in this dictionary. Key specifies the column name, value specifies the filter value. ``"filter_by_value_col""``: `str` or None, default None Adds ``{filter_by_value_col: value_col}`` to ``filter_by_dict`` if not None, for the ``value_col`` in this dictionary. ``"adjustment_method"`` : `str` ("add" or "subtract"), default "add" How to make the adjustment, if ``adjustment_delta_col`` is provided. Accepts a list of such dictionaries to adjust multiple columns in ``df``. pipeline : `sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` or None, default None Pipeline to fit. The final named step must be called "estimator". If None, will use the default Pipeline from `~greykite.framework.pipeline.utils.get_basic_pipeline`. regressor_cols : `list` [`str`] or None, default None A list of regressor columns used in the training and prediction DataFrames. It should contain only the regressors that are being used in the grid search. If None, no regressor columns are used. Regressor columns that are unavailable in ``df`` are dropped. lagged_regressor_cols : `list` [`str`] or None, default None A list of additional columns needed for lagged regressors in the training and prediction DataFrames. This list can have overlap with ``regressor_cols``. If None, no additional columns are added to the DataFrame. Lagged regressor columns that are unavailable in ``df`` are dropped. estimator : instance of an estimator that implements `greykite.algo.models.base_forecast_estimator.BaseForecastEstimator` Estimator to use as the final step in the pipeline. Ignored if ``pipeline`` is provided. forecast_horizon : `int` or None, default None Number of periods to forecast into the future. Must be > 0. If None, default is determined from input data frequency coverage : `float` or None, default=0.95 Intended coverage of the prediction bands (0.0 to 1.0) If None, the upper/lower predictions are not returned Ignored if `pipeline` is provided. Uses coverage of the ``pipeline`` estimator instead. test_horizon : `int` or None, default None Numbers of periods held back from end of df for test. The rest is used for cross validation. If None, default is forecast_horizon. Set to 0 to skip backtest. periods_between_train_test : `int` or None, default None Number of periods for the gap between train and test data. If None, default is 0. agg_periods : `int` or None, default None Number of periods to aggregate before evaluation. Model is fit and forecasted on the dataset's original frequency. Before evaluation, the actual and forecasted values are aggregated, using rolling windows of size ``agg_periods`` and the function ``agg_func``. (e.g. if the dataset is hourly, use ``agg_periods=24, agg_func=np.sum``, to evaluate performance on the daily totals). If None, does not aggregate before evaluation. Currently, this is only used when calculating CV metrics and the R2_null_model_score metric in backtest/forecast. No pre-aggregation is applied for the other backtest/forecast evaluation metrics. agg_func : callable or None, default None Takes an array and returns a number, e.g. np.max, np.sum. Defines how to aggregate rolling windows of actual and predicted values before evaluation. Ignored if ``agg_periods`` is None. Currently, this is only used when calculating CV metrics and the R2_null_model_score metric in backtest/forecast. No pre-aggregation is applied for the other backtest/forecast evaluation metrics. score_func : `str` or callable, default ```` Score function used to select optimal model in CV. If a callable, takes arrays ``y_true``, ``y_pred`` and returns a float. If a string, must be either a `~greykite.common.evaluation.EvaluationMetricEnum` member name or `~greykite.common.constants.FRACTION_OUTSIDE_TOLERANCE`. score_func_greater_is_better : `bool`, default False True if ``score_func`` is a score function, meaning higher is better, and False if it is a loss function, meaning lower is better. Must be provided if ``score_func`` is a callable (custom function). Ignored if ``score_func`` is a string, because the direction is known. cv_report_metrics : `str`, or `list` [`str`], or None, default `~greykite.common.constants.CV_REPORT_METRICS_ALL` Additional metrics to compute during CV, besides the one specified by ``score_func``. - If the string constant `greykite.framework.constants.CV_REPORT_METRICS_ALL`, computes all metrics in ``EvaluationMetricEnum``. Also computes ``FRACTION_OUTSIDE_TOLERANCE`` if ``relative_error_tolerance`` is not None. The results are reported by the short name (``.get_metric_name()``) for ``EvaluationMetricEnum`` members and ``FRACTION_OUTSIDE_TOLERANCE_NAME`` for ``FRACTION_OUTSIDE_TOLERANCE``. These names appear in the keys of ``forecast_result.grid_search.cv_results_`` returned by this function. - If a list of strings, each of the listed metrics is computed. Valid strings are `~greykite.common.evaluation.EvaluationMetricEnum` member names and `~greykite.common.constants.FRACTION_OUTSIDE_TOLERANCE`. For example:: ["MeanSquaredError", "MeanAbsoluteError", "MeanAbsolutePercentError", "MedianAbsolutePercentError", "FractionOutsideTolerance2"] - If None, no additional metrics are computed. null_model_params : `dict` or None, default None Defines baseline model to compute ``R2_null_model_score`` evaluation metric. ``R2_null_model_score`` is the improvement in the loss function relative to a null model. It can be used to evaluate model quality with respect to a simple baseline. For details, see `~greykite.common.evaluation.r2_null_model_score`. The null model is a `~sklearn.dummy.DummyRegressor`, which returns constant predictions. Valid keys are "strategy", "constant", "quantile". See `~sklearn.dummy.DummyRegressor`. For example:: null_model_params = { "strategy": "mean", } null_model_params = { "strategy": "median", } null_model_params = { "strategy": "quantile", "quantile": 0.8, } null_model_params = { "strategy": "constant", "constant": 2.0, } If None, ``R2_null_model_score`` is not calculated. Note: CV model selection always optimizes ``score_func`, not the ``R2_null_model_score``. relative_error_tolerance : `float` or None, default None Threshold to compute the ``Outside Tolerance`` metric, defined as the fraction of forecasted values whose relative error is strictly greater than ``relative_error_tolerance``. For example, 0.05 allows for 5% relative error. If `None`, the metric is not computed. hyperparameter_grid : `dict`, `list` [`dict`] or None, default None Sets properties of the steps in the pipeline, and specifies combinations to search over. Should be valid input to `sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` (param_grid) or `sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV` (param_distributions). Prefix transform/estimator attributes by the name of the step in the pipeline. See details at: If None, uses the default pipeline parameters. hyperparameter_budget : `int` or None, default None Max number of hyperparameter sets to try within the ``hyperparameter_grid`` search space Runs a full grid search if ``hyperparameter_budget`` is sufficient to exhaust full ``hyperparameter_grid``, otherwise samples uniformly at random from the space. If None, uses defaults: * full grid search if all values are constant * 10 if any value is a distribution to sample from n_jobs : `int` or None, default `~greykite.framework.constants.COMPUTATION_N_JOBS` Number of jobs to run in parallel (the maximum number of concurrently running workers). ``-1`` uses all CPUs. ``-2`` uses all CPUs but one. ``None`` is treated as 1 unless in a `joblib.Parallel` backend context that specifies otherwise. verbose : `int`, default 1 Verbosity level during CV. if > 0, prints number of fits if > 1, prints fit parameters, total score + fit time if > 2, prints train/test scores cv_horizon : `int` or None, default None Number of periods in each CV test set If None, default is ``forecast_horizon``. Set either ``cv_horizon`` or ``cv_max_splits`` to 0 to skip CV. cv_min_train_periods : `int` or None, default None Minimum number of periods for training each CV fold. If cv_expanding_window is False, every training period is this size If None, default is 2 * ``cv_horizon`` cv_expanding_window : `bool`, default False If True, training window for each CV split is fixed to the first available date. Otherwise, train start date is sliding, determined by ``cv_min_train_periods``. cv_use_most_recent_splits: `bool`, default False If True, splits from the end of the dataset are used. Else a sampling strategy is applied. Check `~greykite.sklearn.cross_validation.RollingTimeSeriesSplit._sample_splits` for details. cv_periods_between_splits : `int` or None, default None Number of periods to slide the test window between CV splits If None, default is ``cv_horizon`` cv_periods_between_train_test : `int` or None, default None Number of periods for the gap between train and test in a CV split. If None, default is ``periods_between_train_test``. cv_max_splits : `int` or None, default 3 Maximum number of CV splits. Given the above configuration, samples up to max_splits train/test splits, preferring splits toward the end of available data. If None, uses all splits. Set either ``cv_horizon`` or ``cv_max_splits`` to 0 to skip CV. Returns ------- forecast_result : :class:`~greykite.framework.pipeline.pipeline.ForecastResult` Forecast result. See :class:`~greykite.framework.pipeline.pipeline.ForecastResult` for details. * If ``cv_horizon=0``, ``forecast_result.grid_search.best_estimator_`` and ``forecast_result.grid_search.best_params_`` attributes are defined according to the provided single set of parameters. There must be a single set of parameters to skip cross-validation. * If ``test_horizon=0``, ``forecast_result.backtest`` is None. """ if hyperparameter_grid is None or hyperparameter_grid == []: hyperparameter_grid = {} # When hyperparameter_grid is a singleton list, unlist it if isinstance(hyperparameter_grid, list) and len(hyperparameter_grid) == 1: hyperparameter_grid = hyperparameter_grid[0] # Loads full dataset ts = UnivariateTimeSeries() ts.load_data( df=df, time_col=time_col, value_col=value_col, freq=freq, date_format=date_format, tz=tz, train_end_date=train_end_date, regressor_cols=regressor_cols, lagged_regressor_cols=lagged_regressor_cols, anomaly_info=anomaly_info) # Splits data into training and test sets. ts.df uses standardized column names if test_horizon == 0: train_df = ts.fit_df train_y = ts.fit_y test_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(df.columns)) else: # Make sure to refit best_pipeline appropriately train_df, test_df, train_y, test_y = train_test_split( ts.fit_df, ts.fit_y, train_size=ts.fit_df.shape[0] - test_horizon - periods_between_train_test, test_size=test_horizon + periods_between_train_test, shuffle=False) # this is important since this is timeseries forecasting! log_message(f"Train size: {train_df.shape[0]}. Test size: {test_df.shape[0]}", LoggingLevelEnum.INFO) # Defines default training pipeline if pipeline is None: pipeline = get_basic_pipeline( estimator=estimator, score_func=score_func, score_func_greater_is_better=score_func_greater_is_better, agg_periods=agg_periods, agg_func=agg_func, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance, coverage=coverage, null_model_params=null_model_params, regressor_cols=ts.regressor_cols, lagged_regressor_cols=ts.lagged_regressor_cols) # Searches for the best parameters, and refits model with selected parameters on the entire training set if cv_horizon == 0 or cv_max_splits == 0: # No cross-validation. Only one set of hyperparameters is allowed. try: if len(ParameterGrid(hyperparameter_grid)) > 1: raise ValueError( "CV is required to identify the best model because there are multiple options " "in `hyperparameter_grid`. Either provide a single option or set `cv_horizon` and `cv_max_splits` " "to nonzero values.") except TypeError: # Parameter value is not iterable raise ValueError( "CV is required to identify the best model because `hyperparameter_grid` contains " "a distribution. Either remove the distribution or set `cv_horizon` and `cv_max_splits` " "to nonzero values.") # Fits model to entire train set. Params must be set manually since it's not done by grid search params = {k: v[0] for k, v in hyperparameter_grid.items()} # unpack lists, `v` is a singleton list with the parameter value best_estimator = pipeline.set_params(**params).fit(train_df, train_y) # Wraps this model in a dummy RandomizedSearchCV object to return the backtest model grid_search = get_hyperparameter_searcher( hyperparameter_grid=hyperparameter_grid, model=pipeline, cv=None, # no cross-validation hyperparameter_budget=hyperparameter_budget, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, score_func=score_func, score_func_greater_is_better=score_func_greater_is_better, cv_report_metrics=cv_report_metrics, agg_periods=agg_periods, agg_func=agg_func, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance) # Sets relevant attributes. Others are undefined (cv_results_, best_score_, best_index_, scorer_, refit_time_) grid_search.best_estimator_ = best_estimator grid_search.best_params_ = params grid_search.n_splits_ = 0 else: # Defines cross-validation splitter cv = RollingTimeSeriesSplit( forecast_horizon=cv_horizon, min_train_periods=cv_min_train_periods, expanding_window=cv_expanding_window, use_most_recent_splits=cv_use_most_recent_splits, periods_between_splits=cv_periods_between_splits, periods_between_train_test=cv_periods_between_train_test, max_splits=cv_max_splits) # Defines grid search approach for CV grid_search = get_hyperparameter_searcher( hyperparameter_grid=hyperparameter_grid, model=pipeline, cv=cv, hyperparameter_budget=hyperparameter_budget, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, score_func=score_func, score_func_greater_is_better=score_func_greater_is_better, cv_report_metrics=cv_report_metrics, agg_periods=agg_periods, agg_func=agg_func, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance), train_y) best_estimator = grid_search.best_estimator_ # Evaluates historical performance, fits model to all data (train+test) if test_horizon > 0: backtest_train_end_date = train_df[TIME_COL].max() # Uses pd.date_range because pd.Timedelta does not work for complicated frequencies e.g. "W-MON" backtest_test_start_date = pd.date_range( start=backtest_train_end_date, periods=periods_between_train_test + 2, # Adds 2 as start parameter is inclusive freq=ts.freq)[-1] backtest = get_forecast( df=ts.fit_df, # Backtest needs to happen on fit_df, not on the entire df trained_model=best_estimator, train_end_date=backtest_train_end_date, test_start_date=backtest_test_start_date, forecast_horizon=test_horizon, xlabel=time_col, ylabel=value_col, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance) best_pipeline = clone(best_estimator) # Copies optimal parameters, ts.y) # Refits this model on entire training dataset else: backtest = None # Backtest training metrics are the same as forecast training metrics best_pipeline = best_estimator # best_model is already fit to all data # Makes future predictions periods = forecast_horizon + periods_between_train_test future_df = ts.make_future_dataframe( periods=periods, include_history=True) forecast_train_end_date = ts.train_end_date # Uses pd.date_range because pd.Timedelta does not work for complicated frequencies e.g. "W-MON" forecast_test_start_date = pd.date_range( start=forecast_train_end_date, periods=periods_between_train_test + 2, # Adds 2 as start parameter is inclusive freq=ts.freq)[-1] forecast = get_forecast( df=future_df, trained_model=best_pipeline, train_end_date=forecast_train_end_date, test_start_date=forecast_test_start_date, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, xlabel=time_col, ylabel=value_col, relative_error_tolerance=relative_error_tolerance) result = ForecastResult( timeseries=ts, grid_search=grid_search, model=best_pipeline, backtest=backtest, forecast=forecast ) return result