A Matching Problem

Large-scale matching problems occur naturally in many two-sided marketplaces. Usually in these settings, there are creators and consumers. Each item created has an associated budget and the problem is to maximize utility under budget constraints. For example, in the ads marketplace, each ad campaign has a budget and we need to distribute impressions across campaigns without going over the budget for any of the campaigns. For the jobs marketplace, each paid job has a budget and the impressions need to be appropriately allocated to maximize job applies (again without going over budget). Here we work with a simple example to showcase how we can formulate and solve such matching problems through DuaLip.

An example problem: Movie recommendations

One example of a matching problem is movie recommendations. Imagine that we want to recommend movies to users in a way that maximizes the total expected ratings, but without recommending any one movie too many times. We will use the "MovieLens dataset" (Harper et. al. 2015), which contains user rating of movies, for this example. (Similar problems have been framed in Makari et. al. (2013).

How to frame the problem mathematically?

To frame this problem mathematically, define the following quantities:

  • \(x_{ik}\): Probability of recommmending movie \(k\) to user \(i\).

  • \(c_{ik}\): Movie rating of movie \(k\) by user \(i\).

  • \(b_{k}\): Maximum number of times movie \(k\) can be recommended.

The optimization problem can be written as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{Maximize} & \sum_{i,k} x_{ik} c_{ik} \\ \mbox{subject to} & \sum_i x_{ik} \leq b_k \;\; \text{for all}\;\; k = 1,\ldots, K \\ & \sum_{k} x_{ik} \leq 1, \;\; \text{and} \;\; 0 \leq x_{i,k} \leq 1 \;\; \text{for all}\; i,k \end{array}\end{split}\]

We can further frame this in the vector matrix notation by writing \(x,b,c\) as the vectorized versions of \(x_{ik},b_k,c_{ik}\) respectively, e.g., \(x_i = (x_{i,1}, \ldots, x_{i,K})\). With this notation and changing the maximization to a minimization problem, we have

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{Minimize} & - x^T c \\ \mbox{subject to} & Ax \leq b \\ & x_i \in \mathcal{C}_i \;\; \text{for all}\; i \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(\mathcal{C}_i\) is the closed simplex defined as

\[\mathcal{C}_i = \big\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^K : x_1 + ... + x_K \leq 1, \;\; x_k \geq 0\big\}\]

and \(A_{K \times IK}\) is the matrix that encodes the \(K\) movie limit constraints.

How to formulate the training data?

Let's consider a simple dataset. We have 4 users and 3 movies, each with their given rating.








































The matrix A will be

\[\begin{split}A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 &0 &0 &0 &0 &0 &0 &0 &0 &1 &0 &0 \\ 0 &1 &0 &0 &1 &0 &0 &1 &0 &0 &1 &0 \\ 0 &0 &0 &0 &0 &1 &0 &0 &1 &0 &0 &1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]


In many matching problems, the connections are very sparse, i.e. users only rate a small percentage of movies. If user i does not rate movie k (corresponding to NAs in the "Rating" column), the corresponding entry in A should be 0 because it will not contribute to the objective value. To save memory, ACBlock only records the non-zero entries.

The vector b will be (1, 1, 1), and the vector c will be (-3, -4, 0, 0, -1, -2, 0, -2, -1, -2, -4, -3).

The solver takes ACBlock and vectorB as two inputs. We require the input to be in the Input Format.

The format of ACBlock:

    "name" : "id",
    "type" : [ "string" ]
  }, {
    "name" : "data",
    "type" : [ {
      "type" : "array",
      "items" : [ {
        "type" : "record",
        "name" : "data",
        "fields" : [ {
          "name" : "rowId",
          "type" : "int"
        }, {
          "name" : "c",
          "type" : "double"
        }, {
          "name" : "a",
          "type" : "double"
        } ]
      } ]
    } ]

Here id is a unique identifier of the block, i.e. user id for this problem. Each id corresponds to an array of tuples, which is in the format of (rowId, c(rowId), a(rowId)). rowId corresponds to movieId in this problem.

ACBlock in JSON format:

{"id":1,"data":[[1, -3, 1], [2, -4, 1]]}
{"id":2,"data":[[2, -1, 1], [3, -2, 1]]}
{"id":3,"data":[[2, -2, 1], [3, -1, 1]]}
{"id":4,"data":[[1, -2, 1], [2, -4, 1], [3, -3, 1]]}

vectorB in JSON format:


How to execute the solver?

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on run a matching solver on your machine.

Install Spark

This step is platform-dependent. On OS X, you can install Spark with Homebrew using the following command:

brew install apache-spark

For more information, see the Spark docs.

Get and build the code

./gradlew build

Get the dataset

Run the code below to download the 20M MovieLens dataset:

curl -O https://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-20m.zip
unzip ml-20m.zip
mkdir data/ml-20m/data
mv ml-20m/rating.csv data/ml-20m/data

Next, use DuaLip's MatchingDataGenerator to convert the dataset to the input format DuaLip needs for matching problems. (Note: The name of the .jar file on your machine might be slightly different from ./dualip/build/libs/dualip_2.12.jar due to differing version numbers. Please replace the filename with the one on your machine if necessary.)

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-avro_2.12:3.1.1 --class com.linkedin.dualip.preprocess.MatchingDataGenerator ./dualip/build/libs/dualip_2.12.jar \
--preprocess.dataBasePath data/ml-20m/ \
--preprocess.dataFormat csv \
--preprocess.dataBlockDim userId \
--preprocess.constraintDim movieId \
--preprocess.budgetDim budget \
--preprocess.budgetValue 30 \
--preprocess.rewardDim rating \
--preprocess.costGenerator constant \
--preprocess.costValue 1.0 \
--preprocess.outputPath data/movielens/

In the code above,

  • rewardDim is the column name corresponding to reward information \(c_{ik}\).

  • dataBlockDim is the column name corresponding to dataBlockId(i).

  • constraintDim is the column name corresponding to itemId(k).

  • budgetValue is the budget constraint \(b_{k}\).

Run the solver

The solver can be run locally with spark-submit:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-avro_2.12:3.1.1 \
--class com.linkedin.dualip.solver.LPSolverDriver ./dualip/build/libs/dualip_2.12.jar \
--driver.objectiveClass com.linkedin.dualip.problem.MatchingSolverDualObjectiveFunction \
--driver.solverOutputPath /output/matching/ \
--driver.gamma 0.1 \
--driver.outputFormat json \
--driver.projectionType simplexInequality \
--input.ACblocksPath data/movielens/data \
--input.vectorBPath data/movielens/budget \
--input.format avro \
--matching.slateSize 1 \
--optimizer.solverType LBFGSB \
--optimizer.dualTolerance 1E-8 \
--optimizer.slackTolerance 5E-6 \
--optimizer.maxIter 500

How to read the results?

We can see that as the solver progresses, dual_obj increases while max_pos_slack and max_zero_slack decrease.

                          DuaLip v1.0     2021
             Dual Decomposition based Linear Program Solver

Optimizer: LBFGSB solver
primalUpperBound: -1.64155850e+05, maxIter: 500, dualTolerance: 1.0E-8 slackTolerance: 5.0E-6

iter:     0     dual_obj: -6.86709416e+05       cx: -6.87890000e+05     feasibility: 9.650435e+01       λ(Ax-b): 0.000000e+00   γ||x||^2/2: 1.180584e+03        max_pos_slack: -Infinity        max_zero_slack: 9.650435e+01    abs_slack_sum: 8.828194e+04     time(sec): 8.987
iter:     1     dual_obj: -6.86709416e+05       cx: -6.87890000e+05     feasibility: 9.650435e+01       λ(Ax-b): 0.000000e+00   γ||x||^2/2: 1.180584e+03        max_pos_slack: -Infinity        max_zero_slack: 9.650435e+01    abs_slack_sum: 8.828194e+04     time(sec): 6.738
iter:     2     dual_obj: -3.26194182e+06       cx: -6.19067400e+05     feasibility: 3.907679e+01       λ(Ax-b): -2.646088e+06  γ||x||^2/2: 3.213506e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.680045e+01     max_zero_slack: 3.907679e+01    abs_slack_sum: 6.284022e+04     time(sec): 4.228
iter:     3     dual_obj: -1.44149679e+06       cx: -6.24132300e+05     feasibility: 3.448183e+01       λ(Ax-b): -8.206471e+05  γ||x||^2/2: 3.282595e+03        max_pos_slack: 2.642451e+01     max_zero_slack: 3.448183e+01    abs_slack_sum: 6.233273e+04     time(sec): 4.558
iter:     4     dual_obj: -8.82622744e+05       cx: -6.39467479e+05     feasibility: 3.030013e+01       λ(Ax-b): -2.466456e+05  γ||x||^2/2: 3.490308e+03        max_pos_slack: 2.471272e+01     max_zero_slack: 3.030013e+01    abs_slack_sum: 6.188493e+04     time(sec): 4.206
iter:     5     dual_obj: -7.22368086e+05       cx: -6.58265033e+05     feasibility: 2.397677e+01       λ(Ax-b): -6.780186e+04  γ||x||^2/2: 3.698804e+03        max_pos_slack: 2.397677e+01     max_zero_slack: 2.053982e+01    abs_slack_sum: 6.032372e+04     time(sec): 4.321
iter:     6     dual_obj: -6.82631528e+05       cx: -6.72533898e+05     feasibility: 1.847038e+01       λ(Ax-b): -1.381724e+04  γ||x||^2/2: 3.719608e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.847038e+01     max_zero_slack: 8.919135e+00    abs_slack_sum: 5.726833e+04     time(sec): 4.120
iter:     7     dual_obj: -6.82631528e+05       cx: -6.72533898e+05     feasibility: 1.847038e+01       λ(Ax-b): -1.381724e+04  γ||x||^2/2: 3.719608e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.847038e+01     max_zero_slack: 8.919135e+00    abs_slack_sum: 5.726833e+04     time(sec): 4.442
iter:     8     dual_obj: -6.82631528e+05       cx: -6.72533898e+05     feasibility: 1.847038e+01       λ(Ax-b): -1.381724e+04  γ||x||^2/2: 3.719608e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.847038e+01     max_zero_slack: 8.919135e+00    abs_slack_sum: 5.726833e+04     time(sec): 4.235
iter:     9     dual_obj: -6.70900248e+05       cx: -6.73704610e+05     feasibility: 1.584054e+01       λ(Ax-b): -1.984704e+03  γ||x||^2/2: 4.789067e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.584054e+01     max_zero_slack: 1.676255e+00    abs_slack_sum: 4.087020e+04     time(sec): 3.694
iter:    10     dual_obj: -6.70900248e+05       cx: -6.73704610e+05     feasibility: 1.584054e+01       λ(Ax-b): -1.984704e+03  γ||x||^2/2: 4.789067e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.584054e+01     max_zero_slack: 1.676255e+00    abs_slack_sum: 4.087020e+04     time(sec): 3.596

The solver converges after 413 iterations, while the combined number of iterations (including the internal iterations of LBFGS) is 1293. We also show the final dual and primal objectives, as well as the number of active constraints in the problem.

iter:  1290     dual_obj: -6.28011839e+05       cx: -6.32627842e+05     feasibility: 1.289256e-02       λ(Ax-b): -5.876918e+00  γ||x||^2/2: 4.621880e+03        max_pos_slack: 1.813359e-02     max_zero_slack: 0.000000e+00    abs_slack_sum: 1.094879e+01     time(sec): 4.170
iter:  1291     dual_obj: -6.28011839e+05       cx: -6.32660904e+05     feasibility: 9.317112e-02       λ(Ax-b): 2.721294e+01   γ||x||^2/2: 4.621852e+03        max_pos_slack: 9.317112e-02     max_zero_slack: 0.000000e+00    abs_slack_sum: 1.918328e+01     time(sec): 3.758
iter:  1292     dual_obj: -6.28011839e+05       cx: -6.32660904e+05     feasibility: 9.317112e-02       λ(Ax-b): 2.721294e+01   γ||x||^2/2: 4.621852e+03        max_pos_slack: 9.317112e-02     max_zero_slack: 0.000000e+00    abs_slack_sum: 1.918328e+01     time(sec): 3.855
Total LBFGS iterations: 413
Total number of iterations: 1293
Primal: -628012.671815458
Dual: -628011.8409963399
Number of Active Constraints: 2992

The detailed log is given here.

How to do inference?

There are two scenarios when reading the results. First, we can use the optimal primal values directly as decision variables. This is useful for a static system or batch processing.

Second, we can use the optimal dual values to recover primal. This is useful when the system is dynamic and there are new items coming in. We can get the primal decision variable \(x_{ij}\) without solving the extreme-scale optimization problem again. This allows us to work in a low-latency environment as required by most internet applications.


The above method for re-using the dual variable works as long as the score distribution of the new items matches that of the old items which were used to solve the MOO problem. To prevent staleness in practice, the optimization problem is re-solved at a regular cadence.