Citing DuaLip

DuaLip has been created on the basis of the following research papers. To cite DuaLip, please use the following:

  author       = {Ramanath, Rohan, and Keerthi, Sathiya S. and Basu, Kinjal and Salomatin, Konstantin and Yao, Pan},
  title        = {Efficient Algorithms for Global Inference in Internet Marketplaces},
  journal      = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05277},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {}

  title      = {{ECLIPSE}: An Extreme-Scale Linear Program Solver for Web-Applications},
  author     = {Basu, Kinjal and Ghoting, Amol and Mazumder, Rahul and Pan, Yao},
  booktitle  = {Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages      = {704--714},
  year       = {2020},
  volume     = {119},
  series     = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month      = {13--18 Jul},
  publisher  = {PMLR},
  pdf        = {},
  url        = {}

    author       = {Ramanath, Rohan, and Keerthi, Sathiya S. and Basu, Kinjal and Salomatin, Konstantin and Yao, Pan and Ghoting, Amol and Cheng, Miao},
    title        = {{DuaLip}: Dual Decomposition based Linear Program Solver, version 2.0.0},
    url          = {},
    month        = dec,
    year         = 2022