Source code for greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts


# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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# original author: Albert Chen
"""Convex optimization approach to forecast reconciliation."""

import functools
import logging
import math
import sys
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import as px
from plotly import graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

from greykite.algo.reconcile.hierarchical_relationship import HierarchicalRelationship
from greykite.common.python_utils import reorder_columns

    from IPython.core import display as ICD
except ImportError:
    pass  # ipython is an optional dependency, by default only enabled for development

"""Default method to use in `fit`."""

def get_weight_matrix(weights, n_forecasts, name, default_weights):
    """Returns a diagonal weight matrix with shape (``n_forecasts``, ``n_forecasts``)
    and Frobenius norm sqrt(`n_forecasts`).

    weights : `list` [`float`] or `str` or None
        What weights to use.

            - If a list, returns a diagonal matrix with the list values on the diagonal.
              These values specify the weight for each timeseries.
              In ``ReconcileAdditiveForecasts``, weights are applied to the matrix
              whose rows are reordered to canonical form (transposed output of ``reorder_columns``)
            - If a string, determined by ``default_weights``.
            - If None, the identity matrix (equal weights).

        The specified weights are normalized in the output.

    n_forecasts : `int`
        The number of forecasts (shape of the output).
    name : `str`
        The name of the weight matrix.
    default_weights : `dict` [`str`, `numpy.array`]
        Default weights to use if ``weights`` is a string.
        Values should be square matrices with shape (``n_forecasts``, ``n_forecasts``).

    weight_matrix : `numpy.array`
        Weights to apply to the errors.
        Diagonal matrix with shape (``n_forecasts``, ``n_forecasts``)
        and Frobenius norm sqrt(`n_forecasts`).
    if weights is None:
        weight_matrix = np.eye(n_forecasts)
    elif isinstance(weights, str):
        if weights in default_weights:
            weight_matrix = default_weights[weights]
  "weight for {name} is {weight_matrix}")
            raise ValueError(
                f"The requested weight '{weights}' for `{name}` is not found. "
                f"Must be one of {list(default_weights.keys())}")
        weight_matrix = np.diag(weights)

    if not isinstance(weight_matrix, np.ndarray) or weight_matrix.shape != (n_forecasts, n_forecasts):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected square matrix with size {n_forecasts}, but `{name}` has "
            f"weight matrix with shape {weight_matrix.shape}")

    target_norm = np.linalg.norm(np.eye(n_forecasts))
    weight_matrix = weight_matrix * target_norm / np.linalg.norm(weight_matrix)

    return weight_matrix

def get_fit_params(method=DEFAULT_METHOD):
    """Returns parameters for
    corresponding to recognized hierarchical reconciliation method.

    method : `str`, default `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.DEFAULT_METHOD`
        Which reconciliation method to use.
        Valid values are "bottom_up", "ols", "mint_sample", "custom":

            - "bottom_up"   : Sums leaf nodes. Unbiased transform that uses only the values of the leaf nodes
                              to propagate up the tree. Each node's value is the sum of its
                              corresponding leaf nodes' values (a leaf node corresponds to a node T if it is
                              a leaf node of the subtree with T as its root, i.e. a descendant of T or T itself).
                              See Dangerfield and Morris 1992 "Top-down or bottom-up: Aggregate versus disaggregate
                              extrapolations" for one discussion of this method.
                              Depends only on the structure of the hierarchy, not on the data itself.
            - "ols"         : OLS estimate proposed by
                              (Hyndman et al. 2010, "Optimal combination forecasts for hierarchical time series")
                              Also see section 2.4.1.
                              (Wickramasuriya et al. 2019 "Optimal forecast reconciliation for
                              hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization".)
                              Unbiased transform that minimizes variance of adjusted residuals,
                              using "identity" estimate of original residual variance.
                              Optimal if original forecast errors are uncorrelated with equal variance (unlikely).
                              Depends only on the structure of the hierarchy, not on the data itself.
            - "mint_sample" : Unbiased transform that minimizes variance of adjusted residuals,
                              using "sample" estimate of original residual variance.
                              Assumes base forecasts are unbiased.
                              See Wickramasuriya et al. 2019 section 2.4.4.
                              Depends on the structure of the hierarchy and forecast error covariances.
            - "custom"      : Optimization parameters can be set by the user. See
                              method for parameters and their default values.
                              Depends on the structure of the hierarchy, base forecasts, and actuals, if all terms
                              are included in the objective.

        If "custom", uses the parameters passed to
        to formulate the convex optimization problem.

        If "bottom_up", "ols", or "mint_sample", the other fit parameters are ignored.

    estimator_fit_params : `dict` [`str`, Any]
        Parameters to use when calling ````.
    if method == "custom":
        estimator_fit_params = {}  # uses default values of ``fit`` and those passed by user
    elif method == "bottom_up":"Using bottom_up estimator")
        estimator_fit_params = {}  # already passed to ``fit`` via ``method``
    elif method == "ols":"Using ols estimator")
        estimator_fit_params = dict(
            unbiased=True,          # unbiased
            lam_var=1.0,            # minimizes variance
            covariance="identity",  # assumes equal uncorrelated variance
    elif method == "mint_sample":"Using mint_sample estimator")
        estimator_fit_params = dict(
            unbiased=True,        # unbiased
            lam_var=1.0,          # minimizes variance
            covariance="sample",  # in-sample variance estimate
        raise ValueError(f"`method` '{method}' is not recognized. "
                         f"Must be one of 'bottom_up', 'ols', 'mint_sample', 'custom'")
    return estimator_fit_params

def apply_method_defaults(fit_func):
    """Decorator for ``.
    Fetches parameters based on ``method`` and calls ``fit_func`` with the result.

    fit_func : `callable`
        Should be ``.

    apply_defaults_and_fit : callable
        Function that overwrites ``fit_params`` with those specified by ``method``
        and calls ``fit_func`` with those params.
    def apply_defaults_and_fit(
        """Overwrites ``fit_params`` with those specified by ``fit_params["method"]``.
        Calls ``fit_func`` with those params.

        self : `ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`
            Self. Decorator should be applied to ````.
        forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame`
            Forecasted values to pass to ``fit_func``.
        actuals : `pandas.DataFrame`
            Actual values to pass to ``fit_func``.
        fit_params : `dict`
            Original parameters used to call ``fit_func``.
            These are overridden by the ones corresponding to ``method``.

        output : Any
            Same as the output of ``fit_func``.
        method = fit_params.get("method", DEFAULT_METHOD)
        method_fit_params = get_fit_params(method)
        params = dict(fit_params, **method_fit_params)
        return fit_func(
    return apply_defaults_and_fit

[docs]@dataclass class TraceInfo: """Contains y-values for related lines to plot, such as forecasts or actuals. The lines share the same color, name, and legend group. """ df: pd.DataFrame """Data to plot. Each column contains the y-values for a line.""" color: Optional[str] = None """Line color.""" name: Optional[str] = None """String to include in the line name for the legend.""" legendgroup: Optional[str] = None """Group name to group lines in the legend."""
def evaluation_plot(x, traces, num_cols=3, ylabel=None, title=None, hline=False): """Helper function to create evaluation plots from traces. Creates a figure with subplots. Every dataframe in ``traces`` has the same columns. There is one subplot for each column, plotting the values of that column from all the traces against ``x``. For example, there can be two traces, forecasts and actuals, each containing timeseries for multiple variables (nodes), represented as columns in ``df``. ``x`` can be the time index of the timeseries. This function returns a figure with a subplot for each variable, plotting forecasts against actuals. x : `numpy.array` x-axis values for the lines to plot. traces : `list` [`greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.TraceInfo`] y-axis values for the lines to plot, along with styling info. The columns for each dataframe in ``traces`` must be identical. The number of rows in each dataframe must match the length of ``x``. num_cols : `int`, default 3 Number of columns in the plot. Controls the number of subplots to show in each row, before wrapping to the next row. Rows are filled in the order of the columns in the dataframes, from left to right. ylabel : `str` or None, default None y-axis label for each subplot. If None, no y-axis label is shown. title : `str` or None, default None Title for the entire plot. If None, no title is shown. hline : `bool`, default False Whether to show a horizontal line at y=0. Returns ------- fig : `plotly.graph_objects.Figure` The plot object. """ if len(traces) == 0: raise ValueError("There must be at least one trace to plot.") df_col_names = [trace.df.columns for trace in traces] col_names = df_col_names[0] if not all([cols.equals(col_names) for cols in df_col_names]): raise ValueError("Column names must be identical in all traces.") if not all([len(x) == trace.df.shape[0] for trace in traces]): raise ValueError("``x`` length must match ``df`` length for all traces.") if num_cols <= 0 or num_cols > len(col_names): raise ValueError(f"`num_cols` should be between 1 and {len(col_names)} " f"(the number of columns), found {num_cols}.") # The number of rows depends on the number of # subplots and the subplots per row. num_rows = math.ceil(traces[0].df.shape[1] / num_cols) fig = make_subplots( rows=num_rows, cols=num_cols, start_cell="top-left", subplot_titles=list(col_names)) # Creates a subplot for each column for i, node in enumerate(col_names): # Subplot position (1-indexed) # Fills rows from left to right, # top to bottom. row = i//num_cols + 1 col = (i % num_cols) + 1 # Adds y=0 line if hline: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=np.zeros_like(x), name="zero", line=dict(color="black", width=1), legendgroup="zero", showlegend=False ), row=row, col=col) # Adds each trace's column for i, trace in enumerate(traces): name = f"{node}-{}" if is not None else node opacity = 1 if i == 0 else 0.8 # adds opacity to traces after the first one fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=np.array(trace.df[node]), name=name, legendgroup=trace.legendgroup, line=dict(color=trace.color), opacity=opacity, ), row=row, col=col) # Adds y-axis titles ytitle = go.layout.yaxis.Title(font={"size": 10}, text=ylabel) fig.update_yaxes(row=row, col=col, title=ytitle) # Adds title for the entire plot fig.update_layout(dict(title_text=title, title_x=0.5, title_font_size=20)) return fig
[docs]class ReconcileAdditiveForecasts: """Reconciles forecasts to satisfy additive constraints. Constraints can be encoded by the tree structure via ``levels``. In the tree formulation, a parent's value must be the sum of its children's values. Or, constraints can be encoded as a matrix via ``constraint_matrix``, specifying additive expressions that must equal 0. The constraints need not have a tree representation. Provides standard methods such as bottom up, ols, MinT. Also supports a custom method that minimizes user-specified types of error. The solution is derived by convex optimization. If desired, a constraint is added to require the transformation to be unbiased. If not using method="ols" or method="bottom_up", which don't depend on the data, forecast reconciliation should be trained once per horizon (# periods between forecasted date and train_end_date), because the optimal adjustment may differ. Attributes ---------- forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n, m) Original forecasted values, used to train the method. Also known as "base" forecasts. Long format where each column is a time series. and each row is a time step. For proper variance estimates for the variance penalty, values should be at a fixed-horizon (e.g. always 7-step ahead). actuals : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n, m) Actual values to train the method, corresponding to ``forecasts``. Must have the same shape and column names as ``forecasts``. constraint_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (c, m), or None Constraints. ``c x m`` array encoding ``c`` constraints of ``m`` variables. We require ``constraint_matrix @ transform_matrix = 0``. For example, to encode ``-x1 + x2 + x3 == 0 and -x2 + x4 + x5 == 0``:: constraint_matrix = np.array([ [-1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 1, 1]]) Entries are typically in [-1, 0, 1], but this is not required. Either ``constraint_matrix`` or ``levels`` must be provided. levels : `list` [`list` [`int`]] or None A simpler way to encode tree constraints. Overrides ``constraint_matrix`` if provided. Specifies the number of children of each parent (internal) node in the tree. The number of inner lists is the height of the tree. The ith inner list provides the number of children of each node at depth i. For example:: # root node with 3 children levels = [[3]] # root node with 3 children, who have 2, 3, 3 children respectively levels = [[3], [2, 3, 3]] All leaf nodes must have the same depth. Thus, the first sublist must have one integer, the length of a sublist must equal the sum of the previous sublist, and all integers in ``levels`` must be positive. Either ``constraint_matrix`` or ``levels`` must be provided. order_dict : `dict` [`str`, `float`] or None How to order the columns before fitting. The key is the column name, the value is its position. When ``levels`` is used, map each column name to the order of its corresponding node in a BFS traversal of the tree. When ``constraint_matrix`` is used, this shuffles the order of the columns before the constraints are applied (thus, columns in ``constraint_matrix`` refer to the columns after reordering). If None, no reordering is done. method : `str` Which reconciliation method to use. Valid values are "bottom_up", "ols", "mint_sample", "custom": - "bottom_up" : Sums leaf nodes. Unbiased transform that uses only the values of the leaf nodes to propagate up the tree. Each node's value is the sum of its corresponding leaf nodes' values (a leaf node corresponds to a node T if it is a leaf node of the subtree with T as its root, i.e. a descendant of T or T itself). See Dangerfield and Morris 1992 "Top-down or bottom-up: Aggregate versus disaggregate extrapolations" for one discussion of this method. Depends only on the structure of the hierarchy, not on the data itself. - "ols" : OLS estimate proposed by (Hyndman et al. 2010, "Optimal combination forecasts for hierarchical time series") Also see section 2.4.1. (Wickramasuriya et al. 2019 "Optimal forecast reconciliation for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization".) Unbiased transform that minimizes variance of adjusted residuals, using "identity" estimate of original residual variance. Optimal if original forecast errors are uncorrelated with equal variance (unlikely). Depends only on the structure of the hierarchy, not on the data itself. - "mint_sample" : Unbiased transform that minimizes variance of adjusted residuals, using "sample" estimate of original residual variance. Assumes base forecasts are unbiased. See Wickramasuriya et al. 2019 section 2.4.4. Depends on the structure of the hierarchy and forecast error covariances. - "custom" : Optimization parameters can be set by the user. See `` method for parameters and their default values. Depends on the structure of the hierarchy, base forecasts, and actuals, if all terms are included in the objective. If "custom", uses the parameters passed to `` to formulate the convex optimization problem. If "bottom_up", "ols", or "mint_sample", the other fit parameters are ignored. lower_bound : `float` or None Lower bound on each entry of ``transform_matrix``. If None, no lower bound is applied. upper_bound : `float` or None Upper bound on each entry of ``transform_matrix``. If None, no upper bound is applied. unbiased : `bool` Whether the resulting transformation must be unbiased. lam_adj : `float` Weight for the adjustment penalty. The adjustment penalty is the mean squared difference between adjusted forecasts and base forecasts. lam_bias : `float` Weight for the bias penalty. The bias penalty is the mean squared difference between adjusted actuals and actuals. For an unbiased transformation (``unbiased=True``), the bias penalty is 0 so this has no effect. lam_train : `float` Weight for the training MSE penalty. The train MSE penalty measures the mean squared difference between adjusted forecasts and actuals. lam_var : `float` Weight for the variance penalty. The variance penalty measures the variance of adjusted forecast errors for an unbiased transformation. It is reported as the average of the variances across timeseries. It is based on the variance of the base forecast error variance, ``covariance``. For biased transforms, this is an underestimate of the true variance. covariance : `numpy.array` of shape (m, m), or "sample" or "identity" Variance-covariance matrix of base forecast errors. Used to compute the variance penalty. - If a `numpy.array`, row/column i corresponds to the ith column after reordering by ``order_dict``. Should be reported on the original scale of the data. - If "sample", the sample covariance of residuals assuming base forecasts are unbiased. Unlike `numpy.cov`, does not mean center the residuals, and divides by ``n`` instead of ``n-1``. - If "identity", the identity matrix. weight_adj : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None Weight for the adjustment penalty that allows a different weight per-timeseries. - If a numpy array/list, values specify the weight for each forecast after reordering by ``order_dict``. - If "MedAPE", proportional to the MedAPE of the forecast. - If "InverseMedAPE", proportional to 1 / MedAPE of the forecast. This can be useful to penalize adjustment to base forecasts that are already accurate. - If None, the identity matrix (equal weights). weight_bias : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None Weight for the bias penalty that allows a different weight per-timeseries. - If a numpy array/list, values specify the weight for each forecast after reordering by ``order_dict``. - If "MedAPE", proportional to the MedAPE of the forecast. This can be useful to focus more on improving the base forecasts with high error. - If "InverseMedAPE", proportional to 1 / MedAPE of the forecast. - If None, the identity matrix (equal weights). For an unbiased transformation (``unbiased=True``), the bias penalty is 0 so this has no effect. weight_train : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None Weight for the train MSE penalty that allows a different weight per-timeseries. - If a numpy array/list, values specify the weight for each forecast after reordering by ``order_dict``. - If "MedAPE", proportional to the MedAPE of the forecast. This can be useful to focus more on improving the base forecasts with high error. - If "InverseMedAPE", proportional to 1 / MedAPE of the forecast. - If None, the identity matrix (equal weights). weight_var : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None Weight for the variance penalty that allows a different weight per-timeseries. - If a numpy array/list, values specify the weight for each forecast after reordering by ``order_dict``. - If "MedAPE", proportional to the MedAPE of the forecast. This can be useful to focus more on improving the base forecasts with high error. - If "InverseMedAPE", proportional to 1 / MedAPE of the forecast. - If None, the identity matrix (equal weights). names : `pandas.Index` Names of ``forecast`` columns after reordering by ``order_dict``. tree : `greykite.algo.reconcile.hierarchical_relationship.HierarchicalRelationship` or None If ``levels`` is provided, represents the tree structure encoded by the levels. Else None. transform_variable : `cvxpy.Variable`, shape (m, m) or None Optimization variable to learn the transform matrix. None if a rule-based method is used, e.g. ``method == bottom_up`` transform_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (m, m) Transformation matrix. Same as ``transform_variable.value``, unless the solver failed the find a solution, and a backup value is used. Adjusted forecasts are computed by applying the transform from the left to reordered and transposed ``forecasts``. See ``transform`` in this class. prob : `cvxpy.Problem` Convex optimization problem. is_optimization_solution : `bool` Whether ``transform_matrix`` is a solution found by convex optimization solution. If False, then ``transform_matrix`` may be set to a backup value (bottom up transform). Check ``prob.status`` for more details about solver status. objective_fn : `callable` Evaluates the objective function for a given transform matrix and dataset. Takes ``transform_matrix, forecast_matrix (optional), actual_matrix (optional)``. Return value has same format as ``objective_fn_val``. If forecast_matrix/actual_matrix are not provided, uses the fitting datasets. objective_fn_val : `dict` [`str`, `float`] Dictionary containing the objective value, and its components, as evaluated on the training set for the identified optimal solution from convex optimization. Keys are: ``"adj"`` : adjustment size ``"bias"`` : bias of estimator ``"train"`` : train set MSE ``"var"`` : variance of unbiased estimator ``"total"`` : sum of the above objective_weights : `dict` [`str`, `np.array` of shape (m, m)] Weights used in the objective function, derived from ``covariance``, ``weight_*``, ``forecasts``, ``actuals``. Keys are: - weight_adj - weight_bias - weight_train - weight_var - covariance adjusted_forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n, m) Adjusted ``forecasts`` that satisfy the constraints. constraint_violation : `dict` [`str`, `float`] The normalized constraint violations on training set. Keys are "actual", "forecast", and "adjusted". Root mean squared constraint violation is divided by root mean squared actual value. evaluation_df : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (m, # metrics) DataFrame of evaluation results on training set. Rows are timeseries, columns are metrics. See ``evaluate`` in this class. figures : `dict` [`str`, `plotly.graph_objects.Figure`] or None Plotly figures to visualize evaluation results on training set. Keys are: "base_adj" (base vs adjusted forecast), "adj_size" (adjustment size %), "error" (% error). Each figure contains multiple subplots, one for each timeseries. forecasts_test : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (q, m) Forecasted values to test the method. Long format where each column is a time series and each row is a time step. Must have the same column names as ``forecasts``. Can have a different number of rows (observations). actuals_test : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (q, m) Actual values to test the method. Must have the same shape and column names as ``forecasts_test``. adjusted_forecasts_test : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (q, m) Adjusted ``forecasts_test`` that satisfy the constraints. constraint_violation_test : `dict` [`str`, `float`] The normalized constraint violations on test set. Keys are "actual", "forecast", and "adjusted". Root mean squared constraint violation is divided by root mean squared actual value on test set. evaluation_df_test : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (m, # metrics) DataFrame of evaluation results on test set. Rows are timeseries, columns are metrics. See ``evaluate()`` in this class. figures_test : `dict` [`str`, `plotly.graph_objects.Figure`] or None Plotly figures to visualize evaluation results on test set. Keys are: "base_adj" (base vs adjusted forecast), "adj_size" (adjustment size %), "error" (% error). Each figure contains multiple subplots, one for each timeseries. Methods ------- fit : callable Fits the ``transform_matrix`` from training data. transform : callable Adjusts a forecast to satisfy additive constraints using the ``transform_matrix``. evaluate : callable Evaluates the adjustment quality by its impact to MAPE, MedAPE, and RMSE. fit_transform : callable Fits and transforms the training data. fit_transform_evaluate : callable Fits, transforms, and evaluates on training data. transform_evaluate : calllable Transforms and evaluates on a new test set. """ def __init__(self): # training data and input params self.forecasts = None self.actuals = None self.constraint_matrix = None # updated by `fit` if `levels` is provided self.levels = None self.order_dict = None self.method = None self.lower_bound = None self.upper_bound = None self.unbiased = False self.lam_adj = 0.0 self.lam_bias = 0.0 self.lam_train = 0.0 self.lam_var = 0.0 self.covariance = None self.weight_adj = None self.weight_bias = None self.weight_train = None self.weight_var = None # set by `fit` self.names = None self.tree = None self.transform_variable = None self.transform_matrix = None self.prob = None self.is_optimization_solution = None self.objective_fn = None self.objective_fn_val = None self.objective_weights = None # training data transformed result self.adjusted_forecasts = None self.constraint_violation = None self.evaluation_df = None self.figures = None # test data transformed result self.forecasts_test = None self.actuals_test = None self.adjusted_forecasts_test = None self.constraint_violation_test = None self.evaluation_df_test = None self.figures_test = None def _form_constraints( self, transform_variable, Ya=None): """Forms the constraints for convex optimization. The following attributes should be set before calling this method: - constraint_matrix or tree (required) - unbiased (optional) - lower_bound (optional) - upper_bound (optional) Parameters ---------- transform_variable : `cvxpy.Variable`, shape (m, m) Optimization variable to learn the transform matrix. Ya : `numpy.array`, shape (m, n) or None Actuals in wide format. Rows are timeseries, columns are timestamps. Must have the same shape as ``Yf``. Created in ``fit`` by reordering the columns of ``self.actuals`` according to ``self.order_dict``, taking the transpose, and scaling to mean 1.0. Returns ------- constraints : `list` [`cvxpy.constraints.constraint.Constraint`] Constraints for the convex optimization problem. Requires additive consistency as specified by ``self.constraint_matrix``. If ``self.unbiased``, requires unbiasedness. """ constraints = [] if self.lower_bound is not None: constraints += [transform_variable >= self.lower_bound] if self.upper_bound is not None: constraints += [transform_variable <= self.upper_bound] if self.tree is not None: # Uses tree's constraints if `tree` is provided constraint_matrix = self.tree.constraint_matrix else: constraint_matrix = self.constraint_matrix # If this holds, then the constraints are satisfied for any Yf, i.e. # constraint_matrix @ Y_{adjusted} = constraint_matrix @ transform_variable @ Yf == 0. constraints += [constraint_matrix @ transform_variable == 0] if self.unbiased: if self.tree is None: if Ya is None: raise ValueError("`Ya` must be provided if `unbiased` and `tree` is None.") # Since we don't know the structure, we use an # empirical check for unbiasedness. constraints += [transform_variable @ Ya == Ya] else: # Let there be `ell` leaf forecasts. # S is m x ell, summing matrix against leaf nodes. Y_{actual} = S @ Y_{leaf} # See sec. 2.1, Wickramasuriya et al. 2019 "Optimal forecast reconciliation # for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization". # transform_variable T is defined as S @ P. T is unbiased if T @ S = S @ P @ S = S. # (i.e. Forecasts that satisfy hierarchical constraints remain consistent) sum_matrix = self.tree.sum_matrix constraints += [transform_variable @ sum_matrix == sum_matrix] if Ya is not None: violation_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(constraint_matrix @ Ya))) observation_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(Ya))) relative_error = violation_magnitude / observation_magnitude if relative_error > 1e-3: warnings.warn(f"Actuals do not satisfy the constraints! Relative error is {relative_error.round(5)}") return constraints def _form_objective( self, Yf, Ya, transform_variable, covariance=None): """Forms the objective for convex optimization. The objective is a sum of four types of errors:: obj = adj + bias + train + var Where ``"adj"`` : MSE of adjusted forecasts vs base forecasts (adjustment size) ``"bias"`` : MSE of adjusted actuals vs actuals (squared bias) ``"train"`` : MSE of adjusted forecasts vs actuals (training error) ``"var"`` : estimated variance of adjusted forecast residuals (variance) Relative importance of these errors is specified by ``lam_*``. Relative importance of forecasts is specified by ``weight_*``. The following attributes should be set before calling this method: - lam_adj (optional) - lam_bias (optional) - lam_train (optional) - lam_var (optional) - weight_adj (optional) - weight_bias (optional) - weight_train (optional) - weight_var (optional) Parameters ---------- Yf : `numpy.array`, shape (m, n) Forecasts in wide format. Rows are timeseries, columns are timestamps. The goal is to adjust these values to satisfy the constraints. Created in ``fit`` by reordering the columns of ``self.forecasts`` according to ``self.order_dict`` and taking the transpose, and scaling down by the mean of the actuals. Ya : `numpy.array`, shape (m, n) Actuals in wide format. Rows are timeseries, columns are timestamps. Must have the same shape as ``Yf``. Created in ``fit`` by reordering the columns of ``self.actuals`` according to ``self.order_dict``, taking the transpose, and scaling to mean 1.0. transform_variable : `cvxpy.Variable`, shape (m, m) Optimization variable. Square matrix with size matching the rows in ``Yf``. Returns ------- obj : `cvxpy.problems.objective.Minimize` Objective function to minimize. Updates ``self.objective_weights`` to contain the matrices used in the objective. """ n_forecasts = Yf.shape[0] # Computes default weights proportional to MedAPE and inverse MedAPE of the timeseries err = np.nanmedian(np.abs(Ya - Yf) / np.abs(Ya), axis=1) # MedAPE weight_err = np.diag(err) # Inverse of MedAPE inv_err = err.copy() inv_err[np.where(inv_err == 0)] = np.min(inv_err[np.where(inv_err > 0)]) # Sets zeros to minimum value above zero inv_err = 1 / inv_err weight_inverr = np.diag(inv_err) default_weights = { "MedAPE": weight_err, "InverseMedAPE": weight_inverr, } weight_adj = get_weight_matrix(weights=self.weight_adj, n_forecasts=n_forecasts, name="weight_adj", default_weights=default_weights) weight_bias = get_weight_matrix(weights=self.weight_bias, n_forecasts=n_forecasts, name="weight_bias", default_weights=default_weights) weight_train = get_weight_matrix(weights=self.weight_train, n_forecasts=n_forecasts, name="weight_train", default_weights=default_weights) weight_var = get_weight_matrix(weights=self.weight_var, n_forecasts=n_forecasts, name="weight_var", default_weights=default_weights) if isinstance(covariance, str): if covariance == "identity": covariance = np.eye(n_forecasts) elif covariance == "sample": # The sample covariance matrix estimate of h-step ahead forecast errors. # Assumes the base forecasts are unbiased and the forecast horizon (h) is fixed. # Pass `covariance` to `fit` if a better estimate is available. residuals = Ya - Yf covariance = residuals @ residuals.T / residuals.shape[1] else: raise ValueError("`covariance` not recognized. Provide a valid string in ['identity', 'sample'] or a matrix.") self.objective_weights = { "weight_adj": weight_adj, "weight_bias": weight_bias, "weight_train": weight_train, "weight_var": weight_var, "covariance": covariance } # Mean squared adjustment size (on observed forecasts distribution, weighted by ``weight_adj``) err_adj = cp.sum_squares(cp.norm(weight_adj @ (transform_variable @ Yf - Yf), p="fro")) / np.size(Yf) # Mean squared bias (on observed actuals distribution, weighted by ``weight_bias``) err_bias = cp.sum_squares(cp.norm(weight_bias @ (transform_variable @ Ya - Ya), p="fro")) / np.size(Ya) # Mean squared train error (proxy for bias^2 + variance) (on observed distribution, weighted by ``weight_train``) err_train = cp.sum_squares(cp.norm(weight_train @ (transform_variable @ Yf - Ya), p="fro")) / np.size(Yf) # Variance of an unbiased estimator. # We can't optimize the trace directly, as specified by Wickramasuriya et al. 2019. # err_var = cp.trace(weight_var @ transform_variable @ covariance @ transform_variable.T) / n_forecasts if covariance is not None else 0.0 # "Problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically:" # "The objective is not DCP." # Because `covariance` is symmetric and PSD, we can rewrite the trace as a squared Frobenius norm. # tr(T covariance T') = ||T sqrt(covariance)||_{F]^{2} # Note that `weight_var` has a different interpretation than when # inside the trace. It matches the interpretation of the other weights. # Divides by `n_forecasts` for mean adjusted forecast error variance for a timeseries # (the trace is the sum across timeseries). err_var = cp.sum_squares(cp.norm(weight_var @ transform_variable @ sqrtm(covariance), p="fro")) / n_forecasts if covariance is not None else 0.0 lams = [self.lam_adj, self.lam_bias, self.lam_train, self.lam_var] errs = [err_adj, err_bias, err_train, err_var] obj = cp.Minimize(cp.scalar_product(lams, errs)) def objective_fn(transform_matrix, forecast_matrix=Yf, actual_matrix=Ya): """Evaluates the objective function for a given transform matrix and dataset. Parameters ---------- transform_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (m, m) Applied to forecast and actual matrices from the left to get the transformed result. forecast_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (m, n), optional The forecasts in wide array format. Must have the same shape as ``actual_matrix``. If not provided, uses the forecasts for fitting. actual_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (m, n), optional The actuals in wide array format. Must have the same number of rows as ``transform_matrix``. If not provided, uses the actuals for fitting. Returns ------- objective_value : `dict` [`str`, `float`] or None Dictionary containing the objective value, and its components. Keys are: ``"adj"`` : adjustment size ``"bias"`` : bias of estimator ``"train"`` : train set MSE ``"var"`` : variance of unbiased estimator ``"total"`` : sum of the above Returns None if ``transform_matrix`` is None. """ if transform_matrix is None: return None # NB: Frobenius norm is the default norm np_err_adj = np.linalg.norm(weight_adj @ (transform_matrix @ forecast_matrix - forecast_matrix))**2 / np.size(forecast_matrix) np_err_bias = np.linalg.norm(weight_bias @ (transform_matrix @ actual_matrix - actual_matrix))**2 / np.size(actual_matrix) np_err_train = np.linalg.norm(weight_train @ (transform_matrix @ forecast_matrix - actual_matrix))**2 / np.size(actual_matrix) np_err_var = np.linalg.norm(weight_var @ transform_matrix @ sqrtm(covariance))**2 / n_forecasts if covariance is not None else 0.0 np_errs = [np_err_adj, np_err_bias, np_err_train, np_err_var] return { "adj": self.lam_adj * np_err_adj, # adjustment size "bias": self.lam_bias * np_err_bias, # bias^2 of estimator "train": self.lam_train * np_err_train, # train error (bias^2 + variance) "var": self.lam_var * np_err_var, # variance of an *unbiased* estimator "total":, np_errs) # Sum of the above } self.objective_fn = objective_fn return obj
[docs] @apply_method_defaults def fit(self, forecasts, actuals, order_dict=None, method=DEFAULT_METHOD, levels=None, constraint_matrix=None, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, unbiased=True, lam_adj=1.0, lam_bias=1.0, lam_train=1.0, lam_var=1.0, covariance="sample", weight_adj=None, weight_bias=None, weight_train=None, weight_var=None, **solver_kwargs): """Fits the ``transform_matrix`` based on input data, constraint, and objective function. Sets the attributes between ``forecasts`` and ``objective_weights`` as noted in the class description, inclusive, including ``transform_matrix``, ``transform_variable``, ``prob``, ``objective_fn_val``. If method != "bottom_up" and there is no solution, gives a warning and ``self.is_optimization_solution`` is set to False. Uses "bottom_up" solution as fallback approach if ``levels`` is provided. Parameters ---------- forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n, m) See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. actuals : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n, m) See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. order_dict : `dict` [`str`, `float`] or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. method : `str`, default `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.DEFAULT_METHOD` See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. If provided, the parameters from ``lower_bound`` to ``weight_var`` below are ignored. levels : `list` [`list` [`int`]] or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. constraint_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (c, m) or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. lower_bound : `float` or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. upper_bound : `float` or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. unbiased : `bool`, default True See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. lam_adj : `float`, default 1.0 See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. lam_bias : `float`, default 1.0 See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. lam_train : `float`, default 1.0 See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. lam_var : `float`, default 1.0 See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. covariance : `numpy.array` of shape (m, m), or "sample" or "identity", default "sample" See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. weight_adj : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. weight_bias : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. weight_train : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. weight_var : `numpy.array` or `list` [`float`] of length m or "MedAPE" or "InverseMedAPE" or None, default None See attributes of `~greykite.algo.reconcile.convex.reconcile_forecasts.ReconcileAdditiveForecasts`. solver_kwargs : dict Specify the CVXPY solver and parameters. E.g. dict(verbose=True). See Returns ------- transform_matrix : `numpy.array`, shape (m, m) Transformation matrix. Same as ``transform_variable.value``, unless the solver failed the find a solution, and a backup value is used. Adjusted forecasts are computed by applying the transform from the left to reordered and transposed ``forecasts``. See ``transform()`` in this class. """ self.forecasts = reorder_columns(forecasts, order_dict=order_dict) # Returns a copy self.actuals = reorder_columns(actuals, order_dict=order_dict) self.order_dict = order_dict self.levels = levels self.method = method self.constraint_matrix = constraint_matrix self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound self.unbiased = unbiased self.covariance = covariance self.lam_adj = lam_adj self.lam_bias = lam_bias self.lam_train = lam_train self.lam_var = lam_var self.weight_adj = weight_adj self.weight_bias = weight_bias self.weight_train = weight_train self.weight_var = weight_var if constraint_matrix is None and levels is None: raise ValueError("Either `constraint_matrix` or `levels` must be provided.") if constraint_matrix is not None and levels is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of `constraint_matrix` and `levels` can be provided.") if (method == "bottom_up") and levels is None: raise ValueError("Must provide `levels` if `method='bottom_up'`.") if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None and lower_bound > upper_bound: raise ValueError(f"`lower_bound` {lower_bound} should not be greater than `upper_bound` {upper_bound}") if not unbiased and isinstance(covariance, str) and lam_var != 0.0: warnings.warn(f"Variance of residuals is underestimated if the estimator is biased.") if levels is not None: tree = HierarchicalRelationship(levels) self.tree = tree self.constraint_matrix = tree.constraint_matrix # Overwrites ``constraint_matrix`` if ``levels`` is provided self.names = self.forecasts.columns if self.forecasts.shape != self.actuals.shape: raise ValueError(f"Forecast shape {self.forecasts.shape} does not match actuals shape {self.actuals.shape}") if self.constraint_matrix.shape[1] != self.forecasts.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f"The number of forecasts {self.forecasts.shape[1]} does not match " f"the number of columns in `constraint_matrix` {self.constraint_matrix.shape[1]}. " f"Make sure `levels` or `constraint_matrix` matches the data.") if method == "bottom_up": # Uses bottom-up method self.transform_matrix = self.tree.bottom_up_transform else: # Solves convex optimization problem to find transformation # Selects and reorders columns before matrix operations in constraint and objective Yf = np.array(self.forecasts).T # rows are forecasts (wide-format) Ya = np.array(self.actuals).T # For numerical stability, scale units so that actuals have mean 1 before fitting. # The solution should be scale invariant. scale = Ya.mean() Yf /= scale Ya /= scale if covariance is not None and not isinstance(covariance, str): covariance = covariance / scale**2 # Creates a matrix optimization variable. m = Yf.shape[0] transform_variable = cp.Variable((m, m)) # Linear transform matrix. Y_{adjusted} = transform_variable @ Yf # Creates constraints. constraints = self._form_constraints( transform_variable=transform_variable, Ya=Ya) # Forms objective. obj = self._form_objective( Yf=Yf, Ya=Ya, transform_variable=transform_variable, covariance=covariance) # Forms and solves problem. prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) try: prob.solve(**solver_kwargs) except cp.SolverError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) self.transform_variable = transform_variable self.transform_matrix = transform_variable.value self.prob = prob"Solver status: {prob.status}")"Solver optimal value: {prob.value}")"Adjustment matrix:\n {self.transform_matrix}") if self.transform_matrix is None: # No optimization solution is found. self.is_optimization_solution = False if self.tree is not None: warnings.warn("Failed to find a solution. Falling back to bottom-up method.") self.transform_matrix = self.tree.bottom_up_transform else: warnings.warn("Failed to find a solution. Try setting CVXPY solver parameters, changing the " "constraints, or changing the objective weights") else: self.is_optimization_solution = True self.objective_fn_val = self.objective_fn(self.transform_matrix) return self.transform_matrix
[docs] def transform(self, forecasts_test=None): """Transforms the provided forecasts using the fitted ``self.transform_matrix``. Parameters ---------- forecasts_test : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (r, m) or None Forecasted values to transform. Must have the same columns as ``self.forecasts``. If None, uses ``self.forecasts``. Returns ------- adjusted_forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (r, m) Adjusted forecasts that satisfy additive constraints. Columns are reordered according to ``self.order_dict``. If ``forecasts`` is None, results are stored to ``self.adjusted_forecasts``. Else, results are stored to ``self.adjusted_forecasts_test``, and the provided ``forecasts_test`` to ``self.forecasts_test``. """ if self.transform_matrix is None: raise NotFittedError("Must call `fit` first.") is_train = forecasts_test is None if is_train: forecasts = self.forecasts else: forecasts = forecasts_test forecasts = reorder_columns(forecasts, order_dict=self.order_dict) # Returns a copy Yf = np.array(forecasts).T # Converts to wide format for transform adjusted_forecasts = pd.DataFrame( np.transpose(self.transform_matrix @ Yf), # Converts back to long format columns=forecasts.columns, index=forecasts.index) if is_train: self.adjusted_forecasts = adjusted_forecasts else: self.forecasts_test = forecasts self.adjusted_forecasts_test = adjusted_forecasts return adjusted_forecasts
[docs] def evaluate(self, is_train, actuals_test=None, ipython_display=False, plot=False, plot_num_cols=3): """Evaluates the adjustment quality. Computes the following metrics for each of the `m` timeseries: "Base MAPE" : MAPE of base forecasts "Base MedAPE" : MedAPE of base forecasts "Base RMSE" : RMSE of base forecasts "Adjusted MAPE" : MAPE of adjusted forecasts "Adjusted MedAPE" : MedAPE of adjusted forecasts "Adjusted RMSE" : RMSE of adjusted forecasts "RMSE % change" : (Adjusted RMSE) / (Base RMSE) - 1 "MAPE pp change" : (Adjusted MAPE) - (Base MAPE) "MedAPE pp change" : (Adjusted MedAPE) - (Base MedAPE) "pp change" refers to percentage point change (difference in %). Must call ``fit`` and ``transform`` before calling this method. Parameters ---------- is_train : `bool` Whether to evaluate on training set or test set. If True, evaluates training adjustment quality. Else, evaluates test adjustment quality. In this case, ``actuals_test`` must be provided. actuals_test : `pandas.DataFrame` Actual values on test set, required if ``is_train==False``. Must have the same shape as the forecasts passed to ``transform()``, i.e. ``self.forecasts_test.shape``. ipython_display : `bool`, default False Whether to display the evaluation statistics. plot : `bool`, default False Whether to display the evaluation plots. plot_num_cols : `int`, default 3 Number of columns in the plot. This is the number of timeseries to plot in each row. Returns ------- evaluation_result : `dict` [`str`, `dict`, or `pandas.DataFrame`] - ``"constraint_violation"`` : `dict` [`str`, `float`] The normalized constraint violations. Keys are "actual", "forecast", and "adjusted". The value is root mean squared constraint violation divided by root mean squared actual value. Constraint violation of actuals should be close to 0. - ``"evaluation_df"`` : `pandas.DataFrame`, shape (m, # metrics) Evaluation results. DataFrame with one row for each timeseries, and a column for each metric listed above. - ``"figures"`` : `dict` [`str`, `plotly.graph_objects.Figure`] Plotly figures to visualize evaluation results. Keys are: "base_adj" (base vs adjusted forecast), "adj_size" (adjustment size %), "error" (% error). Each figure contains multiple subplots, one for each timeseries. If ``is_train``, results are stored to ``self.constraint_violation``, ``self.evaluation_df``. Otherwise, they are stored to ``self.constraint_violation_test``, ``self.evaluation_df_test``. """ if is_train: forecasts = self.forecasts actuals = self.actuals adjusted_forecasts = self.adjusted_forecasts else: if actuals_test is None: raise ValueError("`actuals_test` must be provided to evaluate on test set") self.actuals_test = actuals_test forecasts = self.forecasts_test actuals = self.actuals_test adjusted_forecasts = self.adjusted_forecasts_test forecasts = reorder_columns(forecasts, order_dict=self.order_dict) actuals = reorder_columns(actuals, order_dict=self.order_dict) forecasts_arr = np.array(forecasts) # rows are dates (long-format), better for plotting actuals_arr = np.array(actuals) adjusted_forecasts_arr = np.array(adjusted_forecasts) # Constraint violation observation_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(actuals_arr))) constraint_violation = { "adjusted": np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(self.constraint_matrix @ adjusted_forecasts_arr.T))) / observation_magnitude, "forecast": np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(self.constraint_matrix @ forecasts_arr.T))) / observation_magnitude, "actual": np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(self.constraint_matrix @ actuals_arr.T))) / observation_magnitude, } # Adjusted forecast and original forecast error evaluation_df = pd.DataFrame({ "Adjusted MAPE": 100 * np.nanmean(np.abs(adjusted_forecasts_arr - actuals_arr) / np.abs(actuals_arr), axis=0), "Base MAPE": 100 * np.nanmean(np.abs(forecasts_arr - actuals_arr) / np.abs(actuals_arr), axis=0), "Adjusted MedAPE": 100 * np.nanmedian(np.abs(adjusted_forecasts_arr - actuals_arr) / np.abs(actuals_arr), axis=0), "Base MedAPE": 100 * np.nanmedian(np.abs(forecasts_arr - actuals_arr) / np.abs(actuals_arr), axis=0), "Adjusted RMSE": np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(actuals_arr - adjusted_forecasts_arr), axis=0)), "Base RMSE": np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(actuals_arr - forecasts_arr), axis=0)), }, index=actuals.columns) evaluation_df["RMSE % change"] = 100 * (evaluation_df["Adjusted RMSE"] / evaluation_df["Base RMSE"] - 1.0) evaluation_df["MAPE pp change"] = evaluation_df["Adjusted MAPE"] - evaluation_df["Base MAPE"] evaluation_df["MedAPE pp change"] = evaluation_df["Adjusted MedAPE"] - evaluation_df["Base MedAPE"] column_order = [ "MAPE pp change", "MedAPE pp change", "RMSE % change", "Base MAPE", "Adjusted MAPE", "Base MedAPE", "Adjusted MedAPE", "Base RMSE", "Adjusted RMSE", ] evaluation_df = evaluation_df[column_order] if ipython_display: if "IPython.core" in sys.modules: ICD.display(evaluation_df.round(1)) else: print(evaluation_df.round(1)) # Diagnostic plots to see the adjustment. figures = {} x = forecasts.index blue = "#007bd2" # blue for base forecasts orange = "#ff893a" # orange for adjusted forecasts # Plots the adjusted vs base forecasts on original scale traces = [ TraceInfo(df=forecasts, color=blue, name="base", legendgroup="base"), TraceInfo(df=adjusted_forecasts, color=orange, name="adjusted", legendgroup="adjusted") ] fig = evaluation_plot( x=x, traces=traces, num_cols=plot_num_cols, ylabel="value", title="Base vs Adjusted Forecast", hline=False) figures["base_adj"] = fig # Plots the adjustment size adjustment_size = 100 * (adjusted_forecasts / forecasts - 1) traces = [ TraceInfo(df=adjustment_size, color="sandybrown", name=None, legendgroup=None) ] fig = evaluation_plot( x=x, traces=traces, num_cols=plot_num_cols, ylabel="% adj.", title="Adjustment Size (%)", hline=True) # includes a reference line for 0% adjustment figures["adj_size"] = fig # Plots the change in % error error_adj = 100 * (adjusted_forecasts / actuals - 1) error_base = 100 * (forecasts / actuals - 1) traces = [ TraceInfo(df=error_base, color=blue, name="base", legendgroup="base"), TraceInfo(df=error_adj, color=orange, name="adjusted", legendgroup="adjusted") ] fig = evaluation_plot( x=x, traces=traces, num_cols=plot_num_cols, ylabel="% error", title="Forecast Error (%)", hline=True) # includes a reference line for 0% error figures["error"] = fig if plot:["base_adj"])["adj_size"])["error"]) if is_train: self.constraint_violation = constraint_violation self.evaluation_df = evaluation_df self.figures = figures else: self.constraint_violation_test = constraint_violation self.evaluation_df_test = evaluation_df self.figures_test = figures return { "constraint_violation": constraint_violation, "evaluation_df": evaluation_df, "figures": figures }
[docs] def fit_transform(self, forecasts, actuals, **fit_kwargs): """Fits and transforms training data. Parameters ---------- forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame` Forecasts to fit the adjustment. See ``fit``. actuals : `pandas.DataFrame` Actuals to fit the adjustment. See ``fit``. fit_kwargs : `dict`, optional Additional parameters to pass to ``fit``. Returns ------- adjusted_forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame` Adjusted forecasts. """, actuals, **fit_kwargs) self.transform() return self.adjusted_forecasts
[docs] def fit_transform_evaluate(self, forecasts, actuals, fit_kwargs=None, evaluate_kwargs=None): """Fits, transforms, and evaluates on training data. Parameters ---------- forecasts : `pandas.DataFrame` Forecasts to fit the adjustment. See ``fit``. actuals : `pandas.DataFrame` Actuals to fit the adjustment. See ``fit``. fit_kwargs : `dict`, optional, default None Additional parameters to pass to ``fit``. evaluate_kwargs : `dict`, optional, default None Additional parameters to pass to ``evaluate``. Returns ------- evaluation_df : `pandas.DataFrame` Evaluation results on provided ``forecasts``. """ if fit_kwargs is None: fit_kwargs = {} if evaluate_kwargs is None: evaluate_kwargs = {}, actuals, **fit_kwargs) self.transform() self.evaluate(is_train=True, **evaluate_kwargs) return self.evaluation_df
[docs] def transform_evaluate(self, forecasts_test, actuals_test, **evaluate_kwargs): """Transforms and evaluates on test data. Must call ``fit`` before calling this method. forecasts_test : `pandas.DataFrame` Forecasts to make consistent. Should be different from the training data. actuals_test : `pandas.DataFrame` Actuals to check quality of the adjustment. evaluate_kwargs : `dict`, optional, default None Additional parameters to pass to ``evaluate``. Returns ------- evaluation_df_test : `pandas.DataFrame` Evaluation results on provided ``forecasts_test``. """ self.transform(forecasts_test) self.evaluate(is_train=False, actuals_test=actuals_test, **evaluate_kwargs) return self.evaluation_df_test
[docs] def plot_transform_matrix(self, color_continuous_scale="RdBu", zmin=-1.5, zmax=1.5, **kwargs): """Plots the transform matrix visually, as a grid. By default, negative values are red and positive values are blue. Parameters ---------- color_continuous_scale : `str` or `list` [`str`], default "RdBu" Colormap used to map scalar data to colors. See ``. zmin : scalar or iterable, default -1.5 The minimum value covered by the colormap. See ``. zmax : scalar or iterable, default 1.5 The maximum value covered by the colormap. See ``. kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments for ``. Returns ------- fig : `plotly.graph_objects.Figure` The transform matrix plot object. """ if self.transform_matrix is None: raise NotFittedError("Must call `fit` first.") fig = px.imshow( self.transform_matrix, color_continuous_scale=color_continuous_scale, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, labels=dict(x="input", y="output", color="value"), x=list(self.forecasts.columns), y=list(self.forecasts.columns), **kwargs ) fig.update_layout( title_text="Transform Matrix", title_x=0.5, title_font_size=20, xaxis_type="category", yaxis_type="category", ) return fig