Uncertainty Intervals

Silverkite and Prophet support prediction intervals to quantify uncertainty.

Set ForecastConfig.coverage to request a prediction interval with the desired coverage.

You can use model_components.uncertainty to configure additional options about how these intervals are calculated.



uncertainty : `dict` [`str`, `dict`] or None, optional
    Along with ``coverage``, specifies the uncertainty interval configuration. Use ``coverage``
    to set interval size. Use ``uncertainty`` to tune the calculation.

    ``"uncertainty_dict"`` : `dict` or "auto" or None or a list of such values for grid search
         If a dictionary, valid keys are:

            ``"uncertainty_method"`` : `str`
                The title of the method.
                Only ``"simple_conditional_residuals"`` is implemented
                in `~greykite.algo.common.ml_models.fit_ml_model`
                which calculates intervals using residuals.

            ``"params"``: `dict`
                A dictionary of parameters needed for
                the requested ``uncertainty_method``. For example, for
                ``uncertainty_method="simple_conditional_residuals"``, see
                parameters of `~greykite.algo.uncertainty.conditional.conf_interval.conf_interval`:

                    * ``"conditional_cols"``
                    * ``"quantiles"``
                    * ``"quantile_estimation_method"``
                    * ``"sample_size_thresh"``
                    * ``"small_sample_size_method"``
                    * ``"small_sample_size_quantile"``

                The default value for ``quantiles`` is inferred from coverage.

        If "auto", see
        for the default value. If ``coverage`` is not None and ``uncertainty_dict`` is not provided,
        then the "auto" setting is used.

        If ``coverage`` is None and ``uncertainty_dict`` is None, then no intervals are returned.


The only values that should be adjusted are conditional_cols, sample_size_thresh, and small_sample_size_quantile.

uncertainty_dict = {
    "uncertainty_method": "simple_conditional_residuals",
    "params": {
        "conditional_cols": None,
        "quantile_estimation_method": "normal_fit",
        "sample_size_thresh": 5,
        "small_sample_size_method": "std_quantiles",
        "small_sample_size_quantile": 0.98}}

uncertainty_dict = {
    "uncertainty_method": "simple_conditional_residuals",
    "params": {
        "conditional_cols": ["dow_hr"],  # interval size depends on hour of week
        "quantile_estimation_method": "normal_fit",
        "sample_size_thresh": 5,
        "small_sample_size_method": "std_quantiles",
        "small_sample_size_quantile": 0.98}}



uncertainty : `dict` [`str`, `any`] or None
    Specifies the uncertainty configuration. A dictionary with the following optional keys:

    mcmc_samples: `int` or None or list of such values for grid search, default 0
        if greater than 0, will do full Bayesian inference with the specified number of MCMC samples.
        If 0, will do MAP estimation.
    uncertainty_samples: `int` or None or list of such values for grid search, default 1000
        Number of simulated draws used to estimate.
        uncertainty intervals. Setting this value to 0 or False will disable
        uncertainty estimation and speed up the calculation.