atscppapi  1.0.9
C++ wrapper for Apache Traffic Server API
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atscppapi Documentation

This library provides wrappers around the existing Apache Traffic Server API which will vastly simplify the process of writing Apache Traffic Server plugins.


Getting Started

  1. Download the latest version of the code from [].
  2. Generate autoconf scripts

    autoreconf -i

  3. Run configure script

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/atscppapi

  4. Build

    make -j

  5. Install

    sudo make install

Included with the code are many examples which cover every feature of the API, they can be built with make examples

Using The API (Compiling and Linking)

You will need to compile your plugins to point the atscppapi header files and when you link you'll need to point the linker to the location where the atscppapi libraries are installed. This is usually /usr/local/atscppapi/include and /usr/local/atscppapi/lib; however, this can be changed with the –prefix=LOCATION configure option. An example of building a plugin on linux might be:

g++ -L/usr/local/atscpppapi/lib -latscppapi -I/usr/local/atscpppapi/include -shared -fPIC -o myplugin myplugin.cpp

You can always use the examples as a starting point.

API Documentation

atscppapi uses Doxygen for automatically generating documentation, the documentation can be generated by running make docs.

The API docmentation is available via doxygen :


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.